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1 19 12 Building Life The Cell For a trait to be significant it must be carried in the sex cells Egg and sperm join to form zygote Zygote replicates to form entire organism compose all your body except o The basic unit of life o Two kinds Somatic Sex or germ Cells Ova eggs Sperm Kingdoms of Animals o Monera Algae bacteria No nucleus Prokaryotes o Protista eukaryote o Fungi eukaryote nucleus sexual reproduction o Plants eukaryote sexual reproduction o Animals eukaryote sexual reproduction DNA o Found in nucleus of eukaryotes o Chromosomes are made of DNA o Deoxyribonucleic Acid o Can be thought of as 64 three letter words Made up of nucleotides Sugar phosphate one of four bases Bases o Adenine A o Thiamine T o Cytosine C o Guanine G A always bonds to T C always bonds to G o Structure Ladder Sides are made up of sugars and phosphates Rungs are bases Double helix form AT CG are held together with hydrogen H bonds o Replication for Cell division Making a copy of DNA Enzyme breaks apart H bonds Bases attract partners A T C G and creates copy o Protein Synthesis The most important thing DNA does carries DNA info out of nucleus DNA can t leave nucleus mRNA m messenger tRNA Ribosome Helps produce proteins Two stages Transcription t transfer carries amino acids with bases to make protein Translation o The cell gets a signal to make a protein o Only a portion of the strand of DNA has information for protein synthesis o The DNA unwinds and exposes the section o The RNA is attracted to it due to the attraction of the bases o RNA organizes code by means of this transcription 3 letters of DNA 3 letters of mRNA o Triplet o Codon o Anticodon o mRNA moves outside nucleus and brings information to the 3 letters of tRNA o ribosome interprets codons and tRNA brings anticodon matches o Amino acids form together to make a protein or a part of a ribosome with amino acids protein o The ribosome provides energy to bond the amino acids together There are 64 possible combinations of the letters resulting in 20 words with repitition

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KSU ANTH 18630 - The basic unit of life

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