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1 12 12 The development of the theory of evolution o Pre 1600 s belief that all life and organisms have been the same forever in stasis o Theory that there were levels of life from least complex to most complex humans o According to scientists there must have been a grand designer o Based on the book of Genesis he determined Earth was created with Fixity of Species in Explained that fossils were just imperfect creatures that God had destroyed o Anatomist that studied humans enough to start comparative anatomy with other o Determined how blood flows through the body and studied medicinal plants o Coined terms genus and species o Found organisms are separated by their ability to reproduce with each other Species group of organisms that can breed together Fixity of Species Great chain of being Bishop Ussher 1581 1656 4004 B C Vesalius animals Harvey John Ray 1627 1705 Linnaeus 1707 1778 o Father of taxonomy System of naming given to plants and animals in the form of genus and species Name of genus and species Binomial Nomenclature Ex Human Homo Sapien Ex Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes Buffon 1731 1802 o Wrote a 44 volume encyclopedia of natural science o Believe species could change through time Environmental elements were the agent of change 1744 1829 Through poetry communicated that all living things came from Erasmus Darwin micro organisms Lamarck 1744 1829 o Charles Darwin became familiar with his poetry o Postulated a mechanism for organic change the theory and basis for traits genetics Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics Offspring will attain characteristics you work towards Ex Giraffe stretching its neck so offspring have longer neck This theory is WRONG but it got people thinking o This relates to Epigenetics The chemicals you put in your body could show linkage to genetic traits in offspring 1769 1832 Cuvier Ex Potato famine Diabetes o Father of comparative anatomy o Researched likenesses of living creatures to each other and fossil records Anti evolutionist Aware of geologic observations strata layers etc Catastrophism right Explained fossils and strata God would try repeatedly to create then destroy until he got it Lyell 1797 1875 o Uniformitarianism o Deep Time 1766 1834 Malthus Explained geological processes are ongoing over many years Idea that Earth is incredibly old supported by uniformitarianism o Economist that inspired the ideas for natural selection o Found that populations grow sometimes exponentially but food supply stays stable o This causes competition Charles Darwin 1809 1882 o Rode 5 year voyage on The Beagle around South America and most of the world o Capt Fitzroy was who Darwin was accompanying He asked Darwin to read Lyell s book on deep time and uniformitarianism and to not believe any of it Researched the Galapagos Islands 500 miles off the coast of South America No mammals except one rodent on one island No amphibians Strange reptiles Odd research on animals Finches o On mainland there s one species o On island there are over 12 o Finches occupied all the bird niches in natural selection No hummingbirds Hummingbird finch is born No woodpeckers Woodpecker finch is born No vampiric animals Vampire finch is born o Normally other birds would out compete for food in these niches but finches were allowed to evolve in solitude resulting in many species o Darwin s ideas on Evolution were kicked into motion Alfred Russel Wallace 1823 1913 o Naturalist who contracted malaria o His sickness made him realize the point of death from the natural selection standpoint o He wrote Darwin a letter about his faith and knowledge of natural selection o Although Darwin had already written down all these findings and never published o Origin of Man anything he co authored their manuscript been keeping it hidden for over 20 years prior Darwin and Wallace s manuscript that he published in 1859 He had

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