HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Job Description and Recruiting Strategies Worksheet Conduct an interview with someone who has a career or job position that is different from your own Identify the duties associated with his or her position as well as any skills and abilities necessary for the position Use the information gathered in the interview as well as the Week 3 readings to complete the following worksheet Answer each question in paragraph format JOB ANALYSIS interviewed 1 What are the duties and job responsibilities associated with the position held by the individual you I have interviewed a General Manager at a fitness facility The job responsibilities and duties associated with the position held by this individual are handling the overall strategic planning and direction of the company making final decisions on items brought by the direct reports handling customer grievances at the escalated level ensuring that sales goals are reached job responsibilities 2 What are the types of knowledge skills and abilities that are needed to successfully accomplish the Regarding the types of knowledge skills and abilities that are needed The General Manager must have the proven experience of sales and understand how to motivate his her staff The General Manager may have a degree in business management but many times experience in the field is more important The candidate must have general integrity and be of good character The candidate also needs to understand and have the ability to have conflict resolution The individual must also have team building and team management skills Leadership skills are highly regarded in the ability to evaluate the work of the department heads HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 3 Does the position require any physical tasks If so describe the physical tasks and state their frequency Is there any additional information about the job that would be beneficial to include in the job description Not specifically physical tasks however the General Manager of the facility needs to be in relatively healthy shape and be on a regular exercise regimen It is also beneficial for the General Manger to have some knowledge of nutrition as it relates to fitness A strong knowledge of the exercise equipment is also important to provide the best service to the club members JOB DESCRIPTION Compose a 350 to 500 word job description based on the data acquired in your interview Title General Manager of a fitness facility Job Summary The job of the General Manager of a fitness facility it to handle the overall strategic planning and direction of the facility making final decisions on items brought by the direct reports The General Manager empowers and tasks the department s heads with their individual areas and only steps in when he or she is needed to provide assistance to the direct reports in escalated situations The General Manager is also tasked with keeping the facility running well ensuring that the equipment is maintained Hours of Duty 40 hours per week General Managers of Fitness Clubs are expected to have long days and their work week ranges from 50 60hrs Job Tasks Responsibilities and Authority HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management General Managers need to have a generalist point of view meaning they have tasks and responsibilities that span the organization They have a hand in planning directing coordinating even human resources and general operations Job Qualification and knowledge skills and abilities General Managers have to posses proficient business skills They must be grounded in comprehension of budgetary skills and cost control skills Decision making is directly related to the use of accounting data Human Resources is also an important portion of the General Managers role the process may be overseen by the department heads but the General Manager needs to be able to provide guidance during the process Although there are department heads the General Manger is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the departments are adequately staffed and covered for all shifts Standards for performance bonuses and things of that nature are addressed by the General Manager RECRUITING STRATEGIES 1 What are three recruiting strategies that could be used to recruit for this job position a The most common recruiting strategy is advertising in newspapers and on employment websites b Networking can prove to be a great resource to find suitable candidates c Promoting from within is another strong souce HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 2 In 350 to 500 words compare and contrast the recruiting strategies you have chosen Which recruiting strategy would you use to recruit for this position Why The most common recruiting strategy of seeking a candidate from internet websites is a good source because it allows you to see a large group of candidates at one time and you can tailor your searches to target in on the ideal candidate Networking in the sense of just talking to people is also a good source because usually in this process you will come across someone who can put you in touch with the right people to find what you re looking for these people come with a referral so it s not like starting at zero and only knowing them on paper Lastly is hiring from within another strong route to get the right person in place these people are those who have a proven record with the organization They are easy to verify based off of in house reviews The difference in the three is with the internet s like cold calling where as networking is a referral and in house promotion is a verified However of the three I would look to promote within the company first It s important to reward employees for a job well done If an employee knows there is room for growth they will more than likely work harder Likewise promoting from within cuts the cost down from a brand new employee These people are already in the system they are already trained on some level so the process is streamlined to a certain extent HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management References Decenzo D A Robbins S P 2007 Fundamentals of human resource management 9thed New York John Wiley Sons Inc
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