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What is the purpose of performance management systems within an organization What are some ethical concerns of performance management systems How can a human resource management HRM department ensure a performance management system is ethical The purpose of the performance management system within an organization is that it gets Feedback which is open communication between employers and employees another purpose is Development which is how an employee has progress in the company far as his skills and training and the expectation for the job he or she is hired for The next purpose is Documentation in which the company has to evaluate and tell how an employee is doing at his or her job in writing Some ethical concerns are that the employer must be bias free as far as there is no mismanagement of it s employees an that they must be treated fair and have equal treatment for diversity inside the workplace Human Resource Management can ensure that a system is ethical by making sure to adhere by the practices of the equal employment opportunity law that requires organizations to objective within the company and that they are reliable and valid Response 2 The purposes of having an effective performance management system within an organization are feedback development and documentation DeCenzo and Robbins 2007 states that Without proper two way feedback about and employees effort and its effect on performance we run the risk of decreasing his or her motivation p 256 Performance management can help identify important strategy advantages or areas of need that can be acquired by the workers before the competition Therefore the results of a company are strongly determined by the ability to convey leaders and align individual performance goals with the strategic objectives of the business What are some ethical concerns of performance management systems An ethical concern may be that the lack of training in how to evaluate an employee s performance may lead appraisers to make judgment errors or permit biases into the process How can a human resource management HRM department ensure a performance management system is ethical HRM department must properly develop and implement performance management system process by being reliable and valid DeCenzo and Robbins 2007 states The performance appraised must be conducted according to some established intervals and appraisers must be trained in the process p 260 HRM can also ensure a performance management system by three approaches such as absolute standards relative standards or outcomes Reference Decenzo D A Robbins S P 2007 Fundamentals of human resource management 9th ed Hoboken New Jersey John Wiley Sons Inc

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UOPX HRM 300T - Performance Management Systems

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