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If management treats employees well pays them a fair wage communicates with them and ensures that they have a safe and healthy work environment there is no need for a union Do you agree or disagree with this statement Explain your position I agree and disagree with the statement it is depending on if the company is privately owned or if it is not i worked for a company that was privately owned and it was great working there they even had extra benefits that made it even more better to come to work and i can say they did not have a lot if call offs or low work performance everyone enjoyed coming in until there were rumors about the family selling the place when going to human resources to ask if it was true they denied it even though they had sold three of their other family owned facility which made workers feel uneasy an started looking for other jobs and someone contacted a union representative and there it all began as they researched and found out that the rumors were true and that some of the benefits were changing the employees gathered with upper management and found that there was a need for a union as i agree with both depending on the circumstances i do feel that there is a need for unions so that it protects the rights of the working class because and as in today s society things can change in the blink of an eye and who will look out for the employees if we don t stand up for our own rights Response 2 Where I am from I have always heard about the union but I am not real familiar with it To me a union is for working people that help to protect them but to me when a company is doing the right thing for their employees it isn t neccessary I don t feel that a union is neccessary because it is wonderful to work for a company that respects you as a employee with a nice salary It is very important to work for a company these days that a person may feel comfortable with communicating with their co workers as well as their manager Having the opportunity to work in a safe environment shows to the employees that the company cares Normally when a company offer nice salaries as well as a safe environment the employee benefits are good as well Since the company has so many benefits to offer their employees there will be a low turnover rate for employment The company has so many benefits in a whole there is no need to me to have a union

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UOPX HRM 300T - Assignment

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