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Complete the chart below using information from the weekly readings and additional research if necessary Employment Laws Chart Employment Law Civil Rights Act of 1964 Description and Requirement of Law Do not allow discrimination on the basis of sex or race in during the hiring promoting and firing process Court Case Influential to Establishment of Law Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc v United States 379 U S 241 1964 Equal Employment Opportunity Act Equal Pay Act This act gives the gives the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC The authority to sue in federal courts when there is a reasonable cause that there has been employment discrimination based on his or her race color religion sex or national origin Started in 1963 This act allows women the right to have the same rights as men in the work force allowing women to make the same as men in the work force equal work equal pay Title VII of the act created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC to implement the law There were two court cases that help decide the Equal Pay Act Schultz v Wheaton Glass Co 1970 U S Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit And Corning Glass Works v Brennan 1974 U S HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Importance of Law It is unlawful for any employer to fail or refuse to hire or discharge any individual or discriminate against any individual with respect to his or her compensation terms conditions privileges or employment Due to their race color religion sex or national origin the EEOC enforces the law set forth by the federal courts to prohibit discrimination against race color religion sex national origin disability or age And the same goes for when promoting and firing these are all protected classes To allow women to receive equal pay as the men for the same type of job Women being treated as equals Workplace Application Sex Age Race Gender Marital Status Sex Race Color Religion or National Orgin Gender Pay Rate Race HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Age discrimination involves not treating someone of a different age of like 45 any differently than some who is 30 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Civil Rights Act of 1991 Prohibits private employers state and local governments employment agencies and labor unions from discriminating against individuals that are qualified for the job but are in a wheelchair or can t hear or have some form of disability This act was re inacted from the 1964 act which is still in place to not discriminate against sex or race in during the hiring promoting and firing process Supreme Court U S government enacted Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act This act radically changed working life in the United States The core of Title VII was to prohibit discrimination in employment based on race color sex national origin or religion The Rehabilitation Act as they use for ADA Title I employment cases The decisions of the Circuit Courts of Appeals and the U S Supreme Court hearing these cases have affected implementation and enforcement of the ADA Price Waterhouse v Hopkins 1989 and Wards Cove Packing Co v Antonio 1989 Age Gender Race Age Gender Race Religion Sex Age Gender Race Sex Religion This act allows all ages to be treated the same and not any differently than the other If someone is 25 and applies for a mangers position then comes a 30 year old applying for the same position The job should be decided on the experience not the age of the individual This act helps to prohibit discrimination against any qualified individuals that has disabilities but are knowledgeable and can perform the job requirements The Act placed statutory caps on the amount of damages that could be awarded for future pecuniary losses pain and suffering and punitive damages based on employer size Family and Medical Leave Act FMLA of 1993 The FMLA entitles eligible employers to take unpaid job protected leave for specified family and medical reasons However the employee needs to have continuous health insurance City of Boerne v Flores 1997 Citing Bradwell v Illinois and Goesaert v Cleary HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Sex Age Gender Religion Medical History Allows an employee twenty six workweeks of leave during a single 12 month period to care for and tend to a serious injury or illness with a leave of absence This act is designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities Privacy Act of 1974 The act helps to insure individuals are protected and their information is not share with third parties Like social security numbers date of birth address etc This act is in place so that no personal information is sold or acquired by other companies or third parties Information obtain is kept secured and private Sharing or selling of personal information Address Phone Number Social Security Number Date of Birth Age Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 Requires that all employees take and pass a drug screen test Before employment is granted or offered The Law requires that all Government employees contractors abide by the drug free workplace act by having all individuals take drug tests Drug tests Age Gender Social Security Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 This act is put forth not allowing business to perform polygraph tests during the Places of employment are not allowed at any time to perform any type of N A not used on or for a work place application In 1973 the Department of Health Education and Welfare HEW issued a report entitled Records Computers and the Rights of Citizens This report recommended that Congress enact legislation adopting a Code of Fair Information practice for automated personal data systems The drug testing movement began in 1986 when former President Ronald Reagan signed Executive Order 12564 requiring all federal employees to refrain from using illegal drugs on or off duty as a condition of federal employment Developed primarily because of concerns about the reliability of the tests del screening or employment of a job to try and obtain additional information Canto v ITT Sheraton Corp and Fallin v Mindis Metals Inc Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act WARN of 1988 T his act offers protection to workers their families and communities by requiring employers to give or announce the termination or closing of a facility or loss of a job HRM 300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management polygraph test on individuals that are applying for jobs It is not

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