NUTR 33512 Nutrition Chapter 3 The Food Supply Food Availability and Access 1 in I people are eCA 2billionpeoplesufferfrom nrrtcforu mKtliiciencies Malnutrition including too much lood account for over theworld s diseases i n CLn e V Health Consequences of Food lnsecurily T and tl vu w activihTdeclines Slovi gr6rarth N L scltr lmmune system weakens ne ffi Disease susceptibility wasting a Povefi and lllness Food lnsecurity in the U S rs of V O phdAS are food insecure Closely linked to 13 of the pQpulation five at or bel 1 3 are f hi ir r w the poverty guidelines program Ethnic groups Programs to lncrease Food Security in US r l a mg to fff 1 T l rritionprogram for women infants and chitdren wtc School breakfast program Child and adult care food program Programs for t nfotS Food distribution programs Food lnsecurity in the Developing World tlndc ilrrffi tq L1ck of energy producing nutrients VED Vitamin A iron and Vitamin A iron and iodine a crk co ns9 f c a A a u Ruraland economical poor areas nology Recombinant DNA technology Sr en u O rNrnO 0 f arrnlnq orr r f arrnlr5 orr 5 Sr Cv i t Biotechnology rr rcrzf Iw t trvducc f c2 a 5h n sr o c eff Uses o o qn rttu t rno eicr GrcA ervr fn and ru P f controt 1 lltVary Recombinant bovine growth hormone rBGH prevention in plants a t rdM rWW y A o l Future Regulation of GM foods lncreased lncreased crop yields golden rice qd to of og rarua L i c v e t7 t ans and animals to consume are safe to grow s introduced into foods are safe for consumption and the environment Safety Concerns of GM Foods LOSS oT Loss of iJU AAI A i r N lDAut lnsufficient regrJlation and oversight fl oml 0ncfiwrntb Food Radiant energy to extend shelf life and control growth of pathogens o r dAi iue l lntentioqgfte gs incidental Synthetic versus nitural p Dg e s ioiar Use of Food Additives lmprove 6ccShr ur l and Da t st Enhance or maintain fidrr krcrrctl Vr r tc Enhance or maintain color and flavor Contribute to urclitcrrtl n CwVr dtcnietics Examples texture acidity thickeners Regulation and Safety of Food Additives Prior sanctioned substances Sodium and potassium nitrates GRAS tist tf rWrqUl rnr r I 0S S Vanilla salt sugar Food Additive Safety Tests NOEL no observable effect level carcinogenic B New Food Additives Must be Flge Concerns with additives aPProved Sen5 tfue fndfufJt lolJ More studies on additives on the GRAS list No r nst r poAs Free of food colors and srynthetic substances Preventing Food and Waterborne lllness 1444 and Potralnaae Foods CarefullY Ar id u r F oa nlfillF Practice Atocrd t r l Keep a Clean Kitchen J larrl tr s oa ark t cb if nr Keep Foods Out of the Danger Zone and Cook Foods Appropriately WaterSafety Public water regulated by the Bottled water regulated by the Threats to water safety 4ff ao g S Fgh ft cross f a s vic U a f stic U irr Y e lnappropriate disposal of chemicals and municipal solid waste lnadequate treatment of h ttzrr a t wq b4aa Pollution from boats ships q
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