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Exam II Study Guide William Collopy Admiral Sir John Fisher incorporated station cruisers into battle fleets French did not join the crowd in battleships torpedo craft light cruisers and interdiction of shipping lanes Portsmouth Treaty ended Russo Japanese War French thought Ferdinand de Lesseps could build the canal because he had experience in another country but it was a different terrain failed Clayton Bulwer Treaty U S Britain neutral canal no exclusive control Hay Pauncefote Treaty U S Britain diminishing British influence losing influence in home country canal run solely by the U S Hay Herran Treaty U S Colombia 99 yr lease in Panama ratified by U S Senate but rejected by Senate of Colombia Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty U S independent Panama Varilla was a Frenchman Progressive Presidents Roosevelt Taft and Wilson Mudrakers people who wrote about situation in a negative light Florence Kelley concerned with conditions of child labor went to law school herself and got a law degree because she couldn t find a lawyer Muller v Oregon state has vested interest in women s working they have ultimate responsibility for bearing nurturing children and taking care of the home o Significance to case there is a legal separation of men and women by virtual agenda different because they deserve a different kind of treatment in the workplace win and loss Margaret Sanger leader in the birth control movement Smaller families among middle class not lower class Carrie Chapman Catt leader in suffrage women s suffrage Court bias tend to rule on side of businesses not the laborers Triangle Shirtwaist Fire United States v Northern Securities Company no enforced safety laws fire improve safety laws o Own two competing railroads and are told to bust up this trust o Supreme Court rules AGAINST Northern Securities Co because they re limiting competition U S wins Plessy v Ferguson separate but equal accommodations Jim Crow South Tuskegee Institute Booker T Washington NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People white progressives black leaders and legal processes using process of the law and courts for people regardless of their color W E B Du Bois PhD from Harvard NAACP Niagara Movement and was the Taft presidency more anti trust suits than Teddy Roosevelt o Supported corporate profits tax personal income tax and direct election of editor of The Crisis Senators Wilson presidency lower tariffs lower prices 16th amendment raised revenue o Opposed federal women s suffrage amendment o Opposed federal child labor legislation o Opposed federal loans for farmers o Considered African American suffrage to be an error mistake Progressivism gov t is best that governs less active gov t on behalf of public interest U S is considered neutral trade and finance Zimmerman telegram Germany Mexico Encouragement to buy bonds loans to apply supplies munitions and convoy escorts Mobilization of society regardless of age or gender Allocation of vast resources for military purposes Blurred boundaries between military and civilian realms Casualties Russia France Britain U S German focus Western front National Catholic War Council formed to show Catholics were true Americans o Promoted patriotism boosted morale and sponsored bond rallies Wilson s 14 Points o Freedom of the seas o Removal of trade barriers o Armament reductions o Adjustment of colonial claims o Evacuation of occupied lands o League of Nations African Americans migrate from rural South to urban North after the war Marcus Garvey black pride U S is NOT a member of the League of Nations Unpaid war loans to Britain and France Major challenges in Great Depression relieve revive reform regulate Father Charles E Coughlin o Early New Deal supporter later turned on New Deal Millions of radio listeners championed the common man anti communist Collective bargaining guaranteed to working people FDR did NOT support anti lynching bill and elimination of poll taxes

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TAMU HIST 106 - Exam II – Study Guide

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