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NUTR 33512 Nutrition Chapter 1 The Science of Nutrition What is Nutrition r lfl f i ilf rn the science of crcd AC lOfl the nutrients and the substances therein their in relation to health and disease and the process by which the organism ingests absorbs transport utilizes and excretes food substances The Council on Food and Nutrition of the American Medical Association tnte raC tn cf r and ChgrniCa SUhStlAn S in food that contribute to health many of which are essential parts of a diet Nutrients nourish us by providing Ca loci S to fulfill needs lYVi AiaL Qer b Li rdl t necessary chemical prbces Ceqir Lct body parts and ses in the body a I a a en E factors to Why Study Nutrition u Science of Nutrition da Qic e lcl Wand ffi ffi c rcbs Discoveries by the first nutritional scientists established the connection between Developed Western countries Research focuses on the relationship between cvD HTN stroke Chnrric djrr dzq Nutrition is a young science t u a r s t dz e accld l s 3 c n e t r nez d l Ce Jis a and 9 ary vn triar 6 V i tirnz u a o 2 yr r o olD Wtic 1 t2 6o n artfJ V Xeq oJ co6 is a source of calories lt is not considered an essential nutrient however because it has no required function Functional Categories of Nutrients Measurementof f f zrcr r The amount or ffi of water by I Aol ln o Celsius Sample Calculation of a Nutrition Label OOO calories I Per senring to raise the temperature of I araa a kcal I o J Calorie Y Z t ar a h 6 ar v 4 f agoS at r k zs 4 co oieS I i ta l cq t fribufu I o t i 5 I Xr a 4 PM i rm rh ba es 4 e4 6n aS I t hydrate ibg r 4kcr l lq Gou nr f l 1e 1 7r s rius n Total d t T 3 4v caJ JTX 30 ft g dff rm r c v F r a re r Desirable Nutritional Status nd i Subclinicaldeficiencyr y etch aA S a U z g nu trfe n6ts rrbatry no Clinicaldeficiency Sbn p aott f ier nr tnlh cn o rL ft a1ar ca r tgr a e Toxicities Excesses of energy nutrients olesitv Tndsl c ary rnm Ai ftn Lr e Ppvn e rtc s WurWq firtJ C e f e rz 43o a3i A v i ron ytvafu4 t y a au v tt r o f 4 fry u 3h r U t hz J Qoo L irtg at F n rtcie4lqe gt a fue a 6o ti fos i sKiry ear at W obgnua iqn c rc tml lm b JV DA a lz iq rt i r ad 1 T tdicrr r F fas Poor Eating and Health Problems r tf iifFttlth d Etf rel Making Types of research chsrua icnr daMt l o W Peer review and follow up studies and genera Y F i4 r s h an c P ffiol6i o t T l iru3 u p x yat t 4 a warlJt te a4A tu d kh frq q6 Registered Dietitian RD Professional with advanced nutrition degree L I uct L rl i i d ctnmeets the c redentia I ing req uirements by state FJ Lrni i Er ist has no legal definition Masteis MS MA MpH MEd Doctoral PhD Physician I

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KSU NUTR 33512 - Chapter 1: The Science of Nutrition

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