UIUC STAT 400 - 400Ex5_3

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STAT 400 Lecture AL1 Examples for 5 3 5 4 5 5 Spring 2015 Dalpiaz If X 1 X 2 X n are n random variables and a 0 a 1 a 2 a n are n 1 constants then the random variable U a 0 a 1 X 1 a 2 X 2 a n X n has mean E U a 0 a 1 E X 1 a 2 E X 2 a n E X n and variance n Var U ai i 1 2 Var X i a i a j Cov X i X j n n i 1 j 1 i j a i2 Var X i 2 a i a j Cov X i X j n i 1 i j If X 1 X 2 X n are n independent random variables and a 0 a 1 a 2 a n are n 1 constants then the random variable U a 0 a 1 X 1 a 2 X 2 a n X n has variance Var U a 12 Var X 1 a 22 Var X 2 a n2 Var X n If X 1 X 2 X n are n independent random variables and a 0 a 1 a 2 a n are n 1 constants and U a 0 a 1 X 1 a 2 X 2 a n X n then M U t e a0 t M X 1 a 1 t M X 2 a 2 t M X n a n t If X 1 X 2 X n are normally distributed random variables then U is also normally distributed 1 Models of the pricing of stock options often make the assumption of a normal distribution An investor believes that the price of an Burger Queen stock option is a normally distributed random variable with mean 18 and standard deviation 3 He also believes that the price of an Dairy King stock option is a normally distributed random variable with mean 14 and standard deviation 2 Assume the stock options of these two companies are independent The investor buys 8 shares of Burger Queen stock option and 9 shares of Dairy King stock option What is the probability that the value of this portfolio will exceed 300 2 A machine fastens plastic screw on caps onto containers of motor oil If the machine applies more torque than the cap can withstand the cap will break Both the torque applied and the strength of the caps vary The capping machine torque has the normal distribution with mean 7 9 inch pounds and standard deviation 0 9 inch pounds The cap strength the torque that would break the cap has the normal distribution with mean 10 inch pounds and standard deviation 1 2 inch pounds The cap strength and the torque applied by the machine are independent What is the probability that a cap will break while being fastened by the capping machine That is find the probability P Strength Torque 3 In Neverland the weights of adult men are normally distributed with mean of 170 pounds and standard deviation of 10 pounds and the weights of adult women are normally distributed with mean of 125 pounds and standard deviation of 8 pounds Six women and four men got on an elevator Assume that all their weights are independent What is the probability that their total weight exceeds 1500 pounds 4 Let X and Y be two independent Poisson random variables with mean 1 and 2 respectively Let W X Y What is the probability distribution of W If random variables X and Y are independent then M X Y t M X t M Y t If X and Y are independent X is Bernoulli p Y is Bernoulli p X Y is Binomial n 2 p X is Binomial n 1 p Y is Binomial n 2 p X is Geometric p Y is Geometric p X Y is Binomial n 1 n 2 p X Y is Neg Binomial r 2 p X is Neg Binomial r 1 p Y is Neg Binomial r 2 p X is Poisson 1 Y is Poisson 2 X Y is Neg Binomial r 1 r 2 p X Y is Poisson 1 2 X is Exponential Y is Exponential X Y is Gamma 2 X is Gamma 1 Y is Gamma 2 X Y is Gamma 1 2 X is Normal 1 12 Y is Normal 2 22 X Y is Normal 1 2 12 22

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UIUC STAT 400 - 400Ex5_3

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