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Table of Tulip Bulb com binations W hat is the probability of selecting a red bulb m arginal W hat is the probability of selecting a red bulb if you know the flow er w ill bloom early conditional 2 3 S 6 2 4 5 1 3 B 5 1 3 B 4 5 6 7 8 9 z C cat has hairballs C cat does not have hair balls PCCI o P c 3 PCCalct Fa probabili We don t know changed basen itio sampling who replacement if the 1st had hairballs multiplication Rule P c 1 2 P C P CzIG 0 E A p or 0 147 z no need to reduce 3 P at least one c P Ca U Cin 2 U c n z Q O2 take complement than Zero have hairballs list out all the ways consider all the ways it can t happen 2 1 P none have hairballs 1 P C 1 2 1 P i P C2 Ci 1 E H 1 0 3 P A1B P A P B A P B 10

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UIUC STAT 400 - Conditional Probability

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