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Homework 02 STAT 400 Spring 2024 D Unger Exercise 2 Exercise 1 Due Tuesday January 30 11 59pm Each Exercise or lettered part of an Exercise is worth 5 points Homework assignments are worth 50 points During a visit to a primary care physician s office the probability of having neither lab work nor referral to a specialist is 0 21 Of those coming to that office the probability of having lab work is 0 41 and the probability of having a referral is 0 53 What is the probability of having both lab work and a referral Suppose P C 0 40 P A 0 70 P B 0 60 P B C 0 25 and P A C 0 15 P A B 0 80 Find the following probabilities a P A C b P A B c P A B C Suppose S 0 1 2 3 and P k 1 3 Find P outcome is greater than 2 P A B C 0 10 3 2 k for k S Exercise 3 k c 1 2 Exercise 4 for k 1 2 3 Suppose S 1 2 3 4 5 and P k a Find the value of c that makes this a valid probability distribution b Find P outcome is even It is known that 30 of all the students at Faber College live off campus Suppose that 43 of all the students are females Among all female students 25 live off campus a What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a female and lives off campus b What is the probability that a randomly selected student either is a female or lives off campus or both c Given a student lives off campus what is the probability they are female Exercise 5

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