UVM NSCI 110 - Critical Periods
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NSCI 110 1st Edition Lecture 38 Outline of Last Lecture I Behaviors emerge as the adequate neural circuitry develops a Epigenetic factors affect the rate of behavioral development among individuals b Example grasping behaviors in infants II Language development is associated with increased dendritic complexity and increase myelination in speech areas of the brain III Jean Piaget proposed four primary stages of knowledge development a Sensorimotor b Preoperational c Concrete operational d Formal operational IV Stimulating environments promote maximum brain development a Individuals raised in enriched environments exhibit larger synapses and more astrocytes b Exercise dramatically increases neurogenesis Outline of Current Lecture I Hippocampal neurogenesis is induced by increased dendritic arborization a Rigorous exercise increases hippocampal volume and acts as an antidepressant anxiety II Critical periods are important windows of time during development when acquisition of certain behaviors are crucial a Imprinting involves a predisposed attachment to a certain individual or object b Early sensory deprivation causes individuals to miss important critical periods and has long lasting effects i Induces dendritic atrophy III Early life stressors are associated with increased amygdala size decreased hippocampus size and higher risks of depression and anxiety disorders Current Lecture Genes that are upregulated by both exercise and enrichment improve learning and memory o Hippocampal neurogenesis is not a result of more neurons but more synapses synaptogenesis increased dendritic arborization o Rigorous exercise increases hippocampal volume whereas stretching decreases volume Nourishing new neurons providing enough BDNFs other positive signals neurons can find the right connections Exercise acts as an antidepressant and anti anxiety These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Volume of oxygen that can be processed in the hippocampus increases Critical periods are a developmental window during which some event has a long lasting influence on the brain o Imprinting process that predisposes an animal to form an attachment to objects animals o Early sensory deprivation has the opposite effect of cognitively stimulating environments Dendritic atrophy decreased brain size decrease in learning and memory capacity Abnormal pain responses frontal lobe function o The Harlow Experiments Monkeys experienced failure to thrive if not given proper cuddling structures Eventually failed to eat and died of malnutrition Needed only 15 minutes per day of normal interaction to have normal brain functioning as an adult developmental homeostasis Social deprivation results in social dysfunction o Genie young girl under severe abuse neglected social isolation Strapped to child s toilet unspoken to by whole family o Early life stressors depends on degree and duration mild stress is healthy are associated with Increase in amygdala size Decrease in hippocampus size Higher risk of depression and anxiety disorders

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UVM NSCI 110 - Critical Periods

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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