UH KIN 3306 - Ergogenic Aids Continued
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KIN 3306 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Objectives II Why Use Supplements III Ergogenic Aids Introduction IV Researching Ergogenic Aids V Randomized Controlled Trial VI Illegal Substance List VII Pharmacological Agents Sympathomimetics VIII Pharmacological Agents Beta Blockers IX Pharmacological Agents Caffeine X Hormonal Agents Anabolic Steroids XI Hormonal Agents Andro DHEA XII Hormonal Agents Human Growth Hormone XIII Physiological Agents XIV Physiological Agents Blood Doping XV Physiological Agents EPO XVI Physiological Agents O2 Supplementation XVII Physiological Agents Bicarbonate Loading Outline of Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute I Nutritional Agents Amino Acid II Nutritional Agents L Carnitine III Nutritional Agents Creatine IV Nutritional Agents Creatine V Nutritional Agents Contamination of Supplements Current Lecture I Nutritional Agents Amino Acid a L tryptophan i Proposed effects analgesic delays fatigue ii Proven effects no improvement b Branched chain amino acids BCAAs i Proposed effects delay fatigue ii Study showed no effect from BCAAs iii May promote recovery decrease muscle damage c Note Nutritional agents are like supplements BCAA s say it will delay fatigue so you can train longer and harder but studies don t show great results in the fatigue area BCAA s are not that valuable but there is new research saying there is a recovery effect II Nutritional Agents L Carnitine a Proposed benefits of L carnitine i Enhanced fatty acid oxidation ii Glycogen sparing b Proven effects of L carnitine i Conflicting results ii Most findings negative c Note L carnitine is involved with fat metabolism People believe that if you take bunch of these you will burn fat But the results don t show great results You don t really need a supplement you just need consistency and training Food will do the same thing as taking a whey protein shake after a workout We often overestimate how much protein we need sometimes III Nutritional Agents Creatine a Creatine i Widespread use ii Target skeletal muscle b Proposed benefits of creatine i Increased muscle PCr content ii Enhanced peak power production iii Serves as buffer helps regulate pH balance iv Enhanced oxidative metabolic pathways c Note Creatine is safe and legal Proposed We can get more creatine in the body to support the ATP PC system So we will have more PCr to make ATP and that helps with anything that would use the ATP PC system like power strength weight training The primary idea is that we are taking creatine so that the ATP PC system will work better and we can train harder but the reality is that if you eat meat you will you will probably have plenty of PCr What creatine does do is it makes you retain water in the muscle and that s where we see the effect of what it is doing A little bit of extra water in the muscles will dilute the acid when you train so you can get more reps and those couple of reps over a period of time will make a difference in strength gains and size gains So that s probably the main value of creatine For the ATP PC system we don t really know how much it effects that It is probably the buffer effect that is making it beneficial d Note People respond to creatine and some don t don t really know why this is When it does work over the course of training it can be beneficial but it has to be implemented with training IV Nutritional Agents Creatine a ACSM conclusions regarding creating i Enhances high power output activity ii Maximal strength not affected iii With resistance training strength gains iv Results do not live up to expectations b Creatine exercise Increase FFM strength c May not improve performance d Note May not improve performance because you can t take it right before an event You would take it over the course of training V Nutritional Agents Contamination of Supplements a Supplement marketing and labeling b Purity of supplements and accuracy of supplement labels c Contamination with banned substances d Note There are a lot of recalls There is nothing that will make that much of a difference If you train hard and eat right consistently you should be good e Note Beta blockers might be prescribed by a doctor for hypertension but if used as an ergogenic aid they block the SNS so you can stay calm This is good for events that require a steady arm like a shooting or archery competition

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UH KIN 3306 - Ergogenic Aids Continued

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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