KIN 3309 1nd Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Biomechanics vs Kinesiology II Linear vs Angular Motion III Kinematics vs Kinetics IV Statics vs Dynamics V Relative Positions VI Flexion Extension VII Abduction Adduction VIII Specialized Movement Descriptors IX Movement Descriptors of Foot X Pronation Supination of the Foot XI Cardinal Planes XII Stress and Strain XIII Stress Strain Curve XIV Musculoskeletal System XV Functions of the Skeleton XVI Architecture of Bone XVII Types of Bone Tissue XVIII Types of Bones These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute XIX Cartilage XX Articular Cartilage Fibrocartilage XXI Ligaments XXII Synovial Joint XXIII Muscle XXIV Functions of Muscle XXV Characteristics and Roles of Muscle XXVI Myofibril XXVII Sarcomere XXVIII Muscle Volume and Cross Section XXIX Net Muscle Actions XXX Muscle Attachment XXXI Organization of the Nervous System XXXII Motor Unit XXXIII Recruitment Rate Coding XXXIV Electromyography EMG XXXV Reflex XXXVI Proprioceptive Receptors XXXVII The Shoulder Complex XXXVIII The Vertebral Column XXXIX Effects of Aging on the Trunk Outline of Current Lecture I Electromyography EMG II Accelerometers IMU Current Lecture I Electromyography EMG a Correct placement of electrodes is critical b Electrodes oriented parallel to muscle fiber c Prepare skin by i Shaving ii Abrading iii Cleaning with alcohol d Signal must be amplified e Sample rate or equal to 1 000 Hz required f Ratification i Taking the absolute value of raw signal no negatives g Linear envelope i Rectify and LPF ii Time domain h Frequency domain i Electromechanical delay EMD i Temporal delay between onset of EMG signal and development of muscle tension j EMG to investigate which muscle group is used in a certain phase of gait k Determine activation order l Raw or rectified EMG signal II Accelerometers IMU a Most accelerometers operate on a mass spring system i Micro electro mechanical systems MEMS ii Suspended or usually in a vacuum not fluid like video b Useful for detecting angular accelerations not all are sensitive to linear accelerations c Gyroscopes best for measuring rotations i Another MEMS that operates under similar inertial principles ii Rapidly oscillating vibrating mass d IMUs combine accelerometers gyroscopes and possibly others e g magnetometers static pressure sensors to accurately measure motion i Triad of accelerometers tri axial ii Triad of gyroscopes
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