RST 100 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Antioxidant and redox regulation of gene transcription Outline of Current Lecture I Work Time II The Sweden Experiment III Leisure Shaped by 4 Factors IV Free Time Increasing or Decreasing V Time Tyrannies a Time Urgency b Time Deepening VI Law of Unintended Consequences Current Lecture Chapter 11 How do Leisure and Time Relate Our choices shaped by time Important to understand this if serving studying people s leisure interests Never enough time to do other stuff Time Time is the most abundant and equally distributed of all society s resources We all get exactly the same number of hours in a day Yet time is also considered the scarcest and most fragile of our resources Many of us feel like we never have enough time Work Time and Leisure Time Connected Legislation was introduced for a 6 hr work day Had it passed it would have drastically changed our lifestyle These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Would have impacted not only work but leisure Consumption maybe wouldn t have increased if a 6 hr work week was established b c less money to consume The Sweden Experiment Some will scale back to 6 hour workday while control group will continue with 8 hour day Seek to find out whether shorter days will translate into higher prod hour and fewer sick days better mental and physical health After 1 year decide whether to extend and expand the program to other sectors Schor and Robinson and Godbey increases and decreases Leisure is Shaped by Time Time used for leisure is essentially shaped by four factors o 1 Personal Perceptions of Free Time How we view our time e g privilege opportunity etc o 2 Personal Amounts of free time Amount of free time we feel we possess Time Famine feeling you don t have enough time o 3 Time needed for leisure activities People choosing shorter less absorbing leisure activities to match shorter blocks of free time Vacation shifts o 4 A culture s time sufficiency amount of free time available to a culture In our culture we connect rushing with success importance Sign of status Is Free Time Increasing Schor government reports o We are working longer hours and thus have less free time o Endless work and spend cycle Harried Leisure Class Robinson and Godey time diaries o We have more free time today o Just feel more rushed and stressed do many things at once o We don t spend time in meaningful activities Cultural Differences Time Surplus Culture usually developing countries o Much free time idle time o Production is low o Little time related work stress o Numerous holidays less consumption large blocks of free time Time Scarcity Culture usually developed countries o Limited free time o Production is high o Time stress causes illnesses o Few holidays much consumption small blocks of free time Article key to happiness is keeping busy without feeling rushed Time Tyrannies 1st Time Urgency always feeling rushed Hurry sickness due to a quickened pace of life Sense of urgency o Visiting national park in car o Birthdays in a restaurant o Marketers are trying to help it Time Urgency and Leisure There is a lack of enjoyment if always feel rushed o Leisure satisfaction is lowered Do things based on how much time they will take not on preference If focused on time then not focused on the experience Remember flow o Hard for them to experience flow because only cognizant of time and not actually enjoying yourself in activity Physical Toll Stress Insomnia Muscle Pain Headaches High Blood Pressure Depression and Anxiety Time Deepening multi tasking Doing more than one thing at a time in order to get many things done at once What s the Tyranny Don t fully experience enjoy any of them Can make us feel rushed anxious unfulfilled No single activity is fully experienced I you feel like you have time urgency you usually do time deepening Law of Unintended Consequences Unforeseen negative byproducts that undermine the planned benefits New technologies that were suppose to make life easier and give us more time have resulted in new problems Made life easier but sped up time and increased stress Obviously many benefits but not without some costs
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