UIUC RST 100 - Pornography

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RST 100 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Types of Activities a Substance use b Gambling Outline of Current Lecture I Pornography II Vandalism Chapter 10 For and Against Productivity I Balancing Leisure and Work a Connections between work and leisure b Alternative Life plan c Work leisure and life satisfaction Current Lecture Taboo April 16 Deviant Leisure Commercialized Sex 3 accepted reasons to have sex procreation relational recreational Sexual activity that is considered inappropriate immoral or illegal includes certain forms of porn and prostitution Sex is a big industry 4 times as many adult stores in US as McDonalds Pornography Like gambling Internet has increased accessibility Men more likely to view pornography than are women but the gap is closing o Men more likely to accept than women o Social norm correlating But in general its use is increasing and changing These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Porn Video Statistics 1 in 5 rentals are porn videos Over 60 of men ages 16 34 visit porn websites every month 25 of women worry their partner s porn use is out of control 25 divorces have something to do with internet porn or chat activity Children being exposed to porn at earlier age age 9 o So accessible Connected to Violence Heavy porn users more likely to commit rape Most children molesters are heavy porn users Men who regularly view violent porn doubles the odds they will sexually assault their partners Vandalism Need to know different types of vandalism for the test Damaging or defacing private or public property People vandalize out of boredom anger revenge defiance and celebration Can be costly but may not always be destructive graffiti The Dilemma of Goodness The dilemma of whether leisure is only leisure when it is good Perceived freedom versus addiction is it still leisure if addicted and feel you have no choice Aristotle leisure was making the right choices those that benefit society and or individual Does that mean these activities that can harm society and or individual are not leisure How much is too much For and Against Productivity Chapter 10 Balancing Work and Leisure Why do people work o Homo Faber man the worker maker humans create build change and control the world with tools we have an innate desire to work Why do people play o Homo Ludens play also makes us human we naturally play even under harsh conditions Both make us human and both are important aspects of our life satisfaction Why do people work Work provides many rewards Opportunities for self development Social outlet Central to our identity But not all work provides these rewards Recent poll almost 60 would choose a different career if they would People often characterize their work as boring stressful unrewarding and uninteresting the opposite qualities of leisure 3 Ways to Examine Work and Leisure Pro Leisure Perspective work is less desirable human condition leisure needed to control or overcome its problematic effects o Workaholism a consequence of work Pro Work Perspective we receive pleasure from work it is a noble effort Leisure is used to help us work better Central Life Interest work is the primary focus of one s life and identity o Idle Hands not good Neutral View both are desirable for their respective benefits o Meaning and satisfaction exist in both o Both are required for realizing life to its fullest o Balance is the secret e g Downshifting deciding that one chooses to life more simply cut consumption and get lower salary because have a different understanding of what s the best way to live life relationships with the people around you Alternating Life Plan Redistribute years of schooling work and leisure Work would not be dominant theme during middle ages Leisure would not be dominant theme in retirement Schooling would not be dominant theme in younger age Advantages to this Approach Less monotony More even distribution of income over the life span More opportunity to realize personal and professional goals More evenly distributed leisure and work experiences Enhance family life Work Leisure and Life Satisfaction What is the interrelationship between work and leisure and how do they impact our life satisfaction Work leisure and family friends are key determinants of life satisfaction Because family friends are our most common leisure companions often linked with leisure Work Life Satisfaction Approximately half of the U S workers are not engages with their jobs o Tangible symptoms tardiness apathy and complaining What are the important factors of job satisfaction Job Satisfaction Life Satisfaction If happy in job then better chance of being happy in life Prerequisites for job satisfaction fair pay and job security But these are not enough to impact life satisfaction If only get lower level then it is just a job How do we cope o 1 Emphasize the money o 2 Try to spend free time in intrinsically rewarding activities Leisure Life Satisfaction What contributes to leisure satisfaction Intrinsically motivated activities Perceived freedom Optimal level of arousal Large leisure of repertoire High SAE qualities Both Work and Leisure contribute to Life Satisfaction

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UIUC RST 100 - Pornography

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