KIN 3306 1nd Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Acute Muscle Soreness II Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness III Damaged Muscle IV Stages of DOMS V DOMS Time Course VI Biphasic Inflammation Response VII Treatment of DOMS VIII Muscle Atrophy IX Sarcopenia X Muscle Loss and Age XI Overview XII Facts about VO2 Max XIII Fick Equation Components XIV Factors Contributing to Change in VO2max XV Fiber Type XVI Capillary Supply XVII Training and Capillary Density XVIII Myoglobin Content These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute XIX Mitochondrial Function XX Training and Macronutrient Utilization XXI Muscle Fiber Fuel Sources XXII Training and the Crossover Effect XXIII Cause of the Shift in Crossover XXIV Components of an Aerobic Training Program XXV Volume Intensity of Training XXVI Interval Training XXVII Continuous Training XXVIII Lactate Threshold Outline of Current Lecture I Overview II Basic Definitions III Heart Rate IV Definitions V Hemodynamics VI Blood Distribution Diagram VII Exercise and Blood Flow VIII Autoregulation of Muscle Blood Flow during Exercise IX Oxygen Consumption X Blood Pressure and Exercise Intensity XI Exercise Intensity and the Heart XII SV Increases with Exercise XIII Exercise Intensity and AVO2 Difference XIV Steady State Responses XV Long Duration Exercise XVI Summary of Exercise Response XVII CV Training Adaptations XVIII Key Concepts Current Lecture I Overview a Hemodynamics b Blood Flow Redistribution during Exercise c CV Responses d Oxygen Transport i Myoglobin vs Hemoglobin ii Effect of Body Temperature pH and 2 3 DPG e CO2 Transport in the Blood f Ventilatory control during exercise g Training Adaptations II Basic Definitions a Heart Rate b Resting Heart Rate c Maximum Heart Rate i HRmax 220 age ii HRmax 208 0 7 x age d Steady State Heart Rate e Note HR is how many times the heart beats per minute For the resting HR the more trained you are the lower it will be approximately around the 50s or 60s Maximum HR is the highest your heart rate can get when you are doing maximal intensity exercise It is hard to measure so we just use those two equations The first equation is the traditional one and the second one is the newer more accurate one III Heart Rate a b c d e f IV Useful for Exercise Prescription Monitor Individual Sessions Track Training Progress Overtraining Note HR is a useful measurement because it is easy to measure For exercise prescription a trainer will tell a client to work at a certain percent of their max HR so they know between low intensity and high intensity days and also monitor the client to see if they are work hard or slacking off so basically you can set the intensity for them You can track progress by seeing how as you train a certain workout the same workout wont raise your HR after a certain amount of time this is a sign that you are adapting and making progress Overtraining is a clinical problem Some symptoms are chronic soreness that does not go away There is also mental fogginess and lack of interest The HR can get weird with overtraining because at a given intensity it s a lot higher that it should be or vice versa Note HR is a physiological way to track progress Definitions a Stroke Volume i Volume of venous blood returned to the heart ii Ventricular distensibility iii Ventricular contractility iv Aortic Pulmonary artery pressure b SV increases with exercise i Frank Starling Mechanism ii Contractility c Cardiac Output Q i HR x SV ii Resting Q 5 0 L min iii Maximal Q 20 40 L min d Cardiac Cycle i All electrical and mechanical events of one heart beat ii Systole to systole e Note SV is how much blood the heart pumps per beat its how much the heart squishes out Ventricular distensibility is the more the ventricles can stretch the more you can pump Contractibility is how hard the ventricles can contract the harder they contract the more blood will come out A P pressure is when you re working against more pressure it will be harder to pump Q is how many times the heart beats per minute x how much blood is coming out per pump With exercise it will increase to about 20 40 L min and the more trained you are the higher it will be V VI Hemodynamics a Study of the interrelationship between pressure resistance and flow i Blood flow change in pressure resistance b Blood flows from high ventricle to low aorta pulmonary artery pressure c Vasoconstriction dilation alters resistance and impacts blod flow d Note Hemodynamics is how the pressure resistance will dictate blood flow and where it goes in the body you don t need to know the equation Blood will from high pressure to low pressure As it contracts which is from pressure it will go into the arteries and distribute it throughout the body It does not equally flow everywhere because there is resistance that happens in parts of the body that directs how much is going where Vasoconstriction creates higher pressure so that the blood wont want to go there versus vasodilation where the blood wants to go because there is low pressure e Note Blood does not flow equally throughout all of the blood vessels Blood Distribution Diagram a b Note At the bottom panel it shows the blood distribution at rest and the percentages show how much is flowing to these parts of the body At the top panel it shows the blood distribution during exercise and everything is reduced under 5 with a huge shift of blood going towards the active skeletal muscle VII Exercise and Blood Flow a b Note You have more blood in general being pumped throughout the body here There is a huge increase in blood going to the skeletal muscle Blood will buffer out acid and waste products and dissipate the heat and take it away VIII IX Autoregulation of Muscle Blood Flow during Exercise a Local withdrawal of sympathetic vasoconstriction vasodilation b Blood flow increases to meet metabolic demand c Stimuli i Decrease in O2 tension ii Increase in CO2 tension iii Decrease in pH increase in H iv Change in potassium v Change in adenosine vi Nitric oxide d Note When we exercise the SNS is activated and this system will initiate full body vasoconstriction and make everything tight so what happens is that at the active skeletal muscle you have different by products that will signal for vasodilation there Local changes will coordinate local vasodilation because of the stuff coming from active skeletal muscle The things coming from
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