UT Arlington HIST 1311 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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HIST 1311 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 8 I ve decided to do this review in multiple segments The first part will consist of two timelines of key events with a brief description Followed by some key people and terms English Monarchy Early Americas Way Back Whenever Ancient humans traveled across an ice bridge It was called Beringia 1000 200 BCE Adena the oldest known civilization in America This is the start of the Agricultural Revolution in the Americas Corn Squash and beans 200BCE 500CE Hopewell civilization 800 1500CE Mississippians made funeral mounds that can still be found today Cahokia huge civilization with big temples 850 1250 I m done with the CE stuff Anasazi the horse shoe village by the mountain 1400 1521 Aztecs They created a subservient empire They sacrificed slaves to the sun god Tenochtitlan was the capitol 1492 1503 Christopher Colombo landed in America made contact with the Native Americans 1514 First Spanish Settlers land in Cuba along with Bartolom de las Casas Spanish settlers were cruel to the natives and Casas appeals to the Spanish crown to look for slaves in Africa instead of natives 1519 Hernan Cortez destroys the Aztec empire taking their capital utilizing small pox filled blankets 1524 1682 French settlements pop up around North America 1606 Jamestown is established by the Virginia Company 1608 Holland is founded and all citizens disappear tree carved and stuff 1609 Starving times in Jamestown They could not grow food with old techniques and couldn t make money to import them John Smith begins talking with the Native Americans to learn their agricultural techniques John Rolf introduces tobacco 1619 really important year House of Burgesses in Jamestown is established This is the first governing body in the English Americas Gov They instituted the Headright System and indentured servitude Also first confirmed Africans arrive in America as indentured servants 1620 Plymouth Bay was made by pilgrims They found Squanto who knows English and teaches them to grow stuff so they can survive 1628 Massachusetts Bay was established by Puritans They were governed by the self established Elect Gov John Winthrop called it City upon a Hill Woman could own property and had many rights in comparison to Jamestown 1634 Lord Baltamore established Maryland The primary crop was sugar and ads for African slaves began to be seen 1636 Harvard is established 1650s 1690s Vice Admiral Courts established in America to enforce customs 1660 1662 The House of Burgesses begins to pass legislation legalizing slaves They set direct punishments to people aiding in the escape and an act that makes slavery inherited 1675 Gov William Barkley begins to prevent expansion by fencing off small land owners land to protect them 1676 Bacons rebellion Small land owners get mad about the fences natives jumped over them and they wanted more money 1681 Quakers establish Pennsylvania 1689 1697 King Williams War 1692 House of Burgesses said freedman got one year then have to get out of Virginia 1702 1713 Queen Anne s War 1705 House of B establishes Slaves as Chattel property 1730s 1760s The Great Awakening Basically an evangelical revival led by John Edwards that appealed to the sense of fear 1730s 1750s Ben Franklin is writing poor Richard Almanac 1740s 1748 King Georges war 1754 1762 French American War This one is where the British begin to regulate expansion Also they leave this army IN PLACE after the war which is against tradition 1763 parliament declares the standing army will enforce the Line of Proclamation preventing expansion 1 3 of cost will be the colonies 1764 Parliament establishes the Sugar Act This put heavy tariffs on foreign sugar and made British molasses cheaper 1765 Stamp Act this put a tax on all paper Patrick Henry wrights no taxation without Representation Colony s make the Stamp Act Congress to appeal to the King 1765 Quartering Act Parliament says you got to feed and house this expensive army 1766 Declatory Act repeals the Stamp act but Parliament says they got the right to tax 1767 Townshend duties puts taxes on finished goods such as building materials tools and paper Also gives out Writs of Assistance warrants without probable cause 1770 Boston massacre unarmed colonists are gunned down by British soldiers Little is done to the Soldiers 1773 Tea Act Gives East India trading company a monopoly on tea by raising tariffs on foreign tea This causes tea parties we dress up like scary native Americans and throw your tea in the water destroying over 10k pounds currency not weight of tea destroyed 1774 Coercive Acts known as the Intolerable Acts Closes down Boston Harbor makes military trials 1774 First Continental congress tries to appeal to the king again and establishes a unified boycott 1775 Lexington Concord first shots of the American civil war British soldiers demolish the organized militia so the military uses guerilla warfare to slowly pick off officers 1775 Second Continental Congress establishes currency and a commander in chief Petitions the King with the Olive Branch Petition Thomas Pain wrights common s ance 1775 Declaration of Independence British Time Line 15th Century some time Prince Henry the Navigator found the compass and some other tools that helped people sail 1492 Columbus sailed for the Spanish king to find a way to India 1514 Bartolom de las Casas see above 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas Spanish and Portuguese war ended This allowed Spain to go search for gold 1517 Martin Luther says the church is corrupt and creates the Puritans Jean Calvin makes the idea of the Elect 1519 Cortez He got a lot of gold causing more interest in America 15341560s Act of Supremacy Henry VIII guy wanted a divorce church wouldn t give it to him so he passed this Basically says King before church This made the New Christen Religions instead of all Catholicism Queen Marry exiles the new guys Privateers loot Spanish ships 1625 1649 Charles I Parliament believed their role was taxation and stand a army Charles wouldn t give them that power 1645 Oliver Cromwell makes the new model army composed of mostly puritans 1649 Cromwell s army Seizes Parliament known as Rump Parliament and beheads King Charles I making Cromwell Lord Protector Basically establishing him as a dictator 1660 Restoration Parliament restores the Monarchy with Charles II 1688 Glorious Revolution Known by this because of the lack of bloodshed William III and Mary II step into power and create the English Bill

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