UIUC RST 100 - Ch. 13 Continuation

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RST 100 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV Leisure Service Delivery System Public Good Social and Cultural Capital Types of Leisure services Outline of Current Lecture I II III Types of leisure activities Leisure Service Sponsor Types a Commercial b Private c Public Careers in RST Current Lecture Outdoor Recreation Outdoor recreation is a huge part of leisure for many people More people visit state and nationals parks than visit Disney World and Disneyland COMBINED They go outdoors to repair what happens to them indoors US Gov t Children are not spending enough time in the outdoors Tourism While the Sport Industry is large the Tourism Industry is MASSIVE In the US alone over 700 Billion Dollar Industry Worldwide more than 18 of the Global Gross Domestic Product GGDP Commercial organizations sell leisure experiences to make a profit Leisure Service Sponsor Types These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Commercial sell leisure experiences to make a profit Private meet the leisure needs of members and other sub selections of population Disabled people Public provide for the leisure needs of all citizens in an equitable manner Public Agencies Responsible for serving the public s leisure needs on an equal basis Government sponsored and equitable available to all people funded by some extent by taxes Supported by taxes user fees gifts and grants For the greater good serve citizens needs Having these kinds of services are good for community as a whole Local acquire and maintain facilities for the leisure participation of local citizens Also provide leadership and programming State Direct provision of leisure services e g beaches parks historical monuments education and tourism promotion Federal Mission related to enjoyment education inspiration conservation e g parks historical sites o Sometimes Federal gov t may grant money to local or state level Commercial Agencies Purpose is to make a profit not necessarily supposed to be equitable to everyone Provide a magnitude of opportunities offer a wide variety of things Often odder activities that are too expensive for public and private sponsors The largest provider of leisure services Can respond more quickly to trends e g glamping glamour camping Small market of people willing to pay the amount of money for the service Secondary private leisure organization religious organization I clicker Private Agencies Provide for the recreational interests and needs of members or other sub section of the population Social civic religious youth service etc Sometimes referred to as non profit or 3rd sector organizations Types of Private Private leisure dominant organizations o Exist primarily to serve the rec leisure needs of members Private leisure secondary organizations o Primary purpose is something else but also contribute to the supply of leisure opportunities Quasi private organizations o Receive support from the public or gov t agency 4 H YMCA campus recreation but still exist to serve the needs of their members o Sometimes get grants but don t exist to make a profit o Open to one certain group of people but also open to others Careers in Leisure Careers in the public sector Municipal recreation such as creation fitness centers aquatics o Jobs might include programming instruction administration supervision State local or national parks Careers in public sector o In some states IL included local leisure opportunities are provided by park districts

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UIUC RST 100 - Ch. 13 Continuation

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