UIUC RST 100 - 3rd Movement Program

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RST 100 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV Renaissance Early Colonial America Industrial Revolution Social Movements Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI Prohibition The Depression Leisure Service Delivery System Public Good Social and Cultural Capital Types of Leisure services Current Lecture CONTINUATION OF LAST LECTURE 3rd Movement Playground Movement Boston Sand Garden in 1885 Idea came from Berlin Germany o Sand idea entertaining kids Wanted to get kids off the street and into a safer place to play Joseph Lee was instrumental in this movement o Pushed to get playground in Boston and eventually spread to many cities o Was a law student at Harvard o Entirely devoted to promoting leisure services Playgrounds o Study on child delinquency and its connection to boredom and get into trouble o Hired law students as play leaders o Felt leadership was important for successful playgrounds Split into kids area teens and adults Better to have them separated These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Best interest of community to provide these playgrounds o Had very similar ideas that boredom would cause many problems within the community Playground Association of America o 1906 playground reformers met at the white House Joseph Lee and other colleagues President Theodore Roosevelt o Developed Playground Association of America o Now called National Recreation and Park Association o Foundation for the organized use of leisure for Social Good Providing for the greater social good if providing these measures to children Prohibition Belief that alcohol abuse was chief cause of poverty and other social problems crime corruption etc People find ways to beat the system Developed sophisticated process to beat the system Prohibition did not achieve its goal Instead it added to the problems it was intended to solve It was ineffective because it was unenforceable caused explosive growth in crime and increased alcohol consumption Speak easies underground places to consume alcohol Franklin Roosevelt did not approve this concept and was propelled into presidency Great Depression Resulted in mass unemployment But actually provided a benefit for organized leisure services Part of the economicsolution Unemployment 25 Federal government instituted a number of work programs many related to building recreation facilities New Deal and CCC would provide recreational services to people Workers hire under FDR s CCC program built concert halls theaters camps lodges and pools etc o Starved Rock was made by the CCC Civilian Conservation Core o Workers were employed and given 30 a week kept five and gave 25 to family Recreation was viewed as a way to help the economy still important to our society today o A billion industry today Common Themes Throughout History Eating and drinking Entertainment and desire to be entertained Role of leisure has changed over time Depends on who is in power evaluated laws and decide whether or not to keep them Religious beliefs influences what was considered acceptable Used as social control and political leadership Slave class supports a leisure class Activities depends on one s social class FOR EXAM be able to pick up different themes from each time period on their personal ideas upon leisure LECTURE CH 13 Leisure Service Delivery System Formal org that provide facilities equipment leadership instruction o Country Clubs o Amusement Parks o Parks and Rec Department Why important o Many are for the PUBLIC GOOD for the benefit of well being of everyone o Contribute to quality of life o Improve community satisfaction o Give people access to leisure resources that make them happy o Address important social problems SOCIAL CAPITAL has been described as a key component of feeling connected in a society I CLICKER Social Capital Social networks have value The benefit of reciprocal relationships Many of our social networks are leisure based There s a concern that social capital is decreasing in our society because many groups are decreasing o Due to Social media Some argue social capital has just changed now groups form in cyberspace trough social media o Arguable superficial o Less meaningful relationships Cultural Capital The knowledge experience and connections we acquire in life leisure Leisure plays important role because we gain cultural capital at least partially from our leisure pastimes People who have wide ranging leisure experiences have higher cultural capital Types of leisure Sports and Games Cultural Art Outdoor Recreation Travel and Tourism Hobbies Social Recreation Sports Of all types of leisure involvement sports often commands the highest degree of personal interest and emotional involvement For participants and fans ICLICKER sport specialization cites research that specialization can cause burnout injury and physical inactivity Article Read Sport Specialization Growing Trench in Youth Sports Did not believe that 10 000 hours were necessary Involves selecting one sport and training in that sport year young Potential Effects of Specialization Overuse injuries o Due to lack of diversity in activities o Pediatricians called for children to participate in a variety of physical activity and sports Burnout o Tired and bored of activity Adult Physical inactivity o When no longer due activity become more sedentary Not Achieving full Athletic Potential o American Academy of Pediatrics 98 of athletes who specialize never reach the highest levels of sport Sampling Years ages 6 12 o Is it important for kids to sample a variety of sports during these years o YES Deliberate Play o Unstructured play Issues in Children s Sports SHOULD KNOW THIS o 70 of the approx 20 million children who participate in organized athletic programs will qui by the age of 13 because of unpleasant sport experiences Top Reasons Kids Quit o No longer fun o Took too much time o Didn t like coach o Too much emphasis on winning o Too much pressure by parents o Tired of playing Parents and Kids Sports o Parents can embarrass their children o Parents believe they are acting in their child s best interests o Keep kids busy and out of trouble recurring theme

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UIUC RST 100 - 3rd Movement Program

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