NSCI 110 1st Edition Lecture 3 A A spinal tap takes a sample of CSF a Searching for harmful substances B CSF flow a Lateral ventricles contain most of the choroid plexus i Filters venous blood to produce CSF b Interventricular foramen is the opening between the lateral ventricles and third ventricle c The third ventricle divides different sides of the hypothalamus d Through the cerebral aqueduct and into the fourth ventricle i Some exits the fourth ventricle to the subarachnoid space ii Some continues inferiorly to the central spinal cord canal ependymal canal e Subarachnoid space CSF conveyed to the superior sagittal sinus via arachnoid granulations i Mostly one way canals f All CSF ends up back in the blood C Watch CSF flow video D Fluids move from areas of high to low pressure arteries to veins a CSF pressure venous pressure b Arachnoid granulations allow CSF flow into venous sinuses and prevent venous blood from passing into the ventricular system c Disrupting CSF flow is dangerous i Hydrocephaly causes enlarged ventricles due to CSF build up 1 Tube inserted so CSF can flow into body cavity 2 Can have a range of causes MAJOR CORTICAL STRUCTURES E Two main types of cells a Neurons send and receive signals using specialized projections like dendrites and axons i Axons have a fatty myelin sheath covering white matter b Glia aid and modulate neuronal activity i Categorized based on function F Internal features a Nucleus is a group of neurons within the CNS i A tight cluster of gray matter that may direct a specific task b A nerve is a collection of axons joining together outside the CNS i Ulnar nerve funny bone c A tract is a collection of axons within the CNS i Corticospinal tract G How does the CNS mediate behavior a Spinal cord These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Brainstem c Forebrain H The spinal cord is required for body movements a Can act independently of the brain through spinal reflexes i Automatic movements that don t require brain input ii i e knee jerk reflex b Spinal cord cross section i Dorsal portion shows afferent neurons sending projections into the CNS ii Ventral portion shows lower motor efferent neurons projecting out to innervate muscles iii White matter surrounds gray matter
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