UH KIN 3306 - Bioenergetics and the Different Types of Energy Systems
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KIN 3306 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture Outline of Current Lecture I Metabolic Energy Systems II ATP Energy III Anaerobic vs Aerobic IV ATP PC System V Control of ATP PC System VI Exercise and the ATP PC System VII Macronutrients VIII Anaerobic Glycolysis IX Net Equation for Glycolysis X Energy Investment Phase XI Energy Generation Phase XII Glycogen vs Glucose XIII Exercise and Anaerobic Glycolysis XIV Anaerobic Glycolysis vs Oxidative Phosphorylation XV Mitochondria Structure XVI TCA Cycle Facts XVII Pyruvate Conversion These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute XVIII Control of TCA Cycle XIX Carbohydrates XX Electron Transport Chain Basics XXI Chemiosmotic Theory XXII Electron Transport Chain XXIII Proton Gradient XXIV Oxygen Utilization Site XXV Tally of ATP Production XXVI Exercise and OP XXVII Maximal Duration of Energy System XXVIII Lipid Metabolism XXIX Triglyceride Lipolysis XXX Beta Oxidation of Fatty Acids XXXI ATP Tally for Stearic Acid 18 C Current Lecture March 25th 10am Extra Credit Opportunity 10 points I Metabolic Energy Systems a ATP PC System i Specifics ii Role during exercise b Glycolysis i Specifics ii Rate controlling enzymes role during exercise c Oxidative Phosphorylation i Specifics ii TCA cycle iii Electron transport chain iv Role during exercise d Lipid Metabolism i Beta oxidation e Integration of Energy Systems II ATP Energy a ATP body s energy currency b Breaking phosphate bonds through chemical reactions releases energy c Energy used for muscle contraction and motion d How does our body make ATP III Anaerobic vs Aerobic a ATP produced through anaerobic and aerobic energy systems b c We re able to produce energy through anaerobic and aerobic means d The difference is oxygen e Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen i Anything you can do while holding your breath at the same time ii Ex Sprinting iii High intensity activities f These are not mutually exclusive one is probably contributing more than the other when you exercise IV ATP PC System a PC ADP ATP C b How does our body get ATP i Firstly the ATP PC system is a single chemical reaction that uses what we already store in our muscles to create ATP ii PC we have this stored already in our muscles iii ADP this is missing one phosphate iv PC and ADP react and create ATP and creatine which is leftover of the reaction V Control of ATP PC System a Creatine Kinase i ADP or Pi activated Creating Kinase ii ATP inhibits Creatine Kinase b Enzymes can either speed up or slow down a reaction based on the demand on feedback signals that say whether or not there is a demand c If there is a lot of ATP that would tell it that we are not using what we have so slow down d Rate Limiting Enzyme TQ i Its important to know what the rate limiting enzyme is for each of the systems VI Exercise and the ATP PC System a b This is used for explosive power type of activities c It is our first source of energy d It is used primarily for something short duration related but this will come into play anytime you start doing anything for the first few seconds e It will kick in until others take over f When is glycolysis used and where does it take place TQ VII Macronutrients a Carbs proteins and fats b All are important c Less than 1 of energy comes from protein d Protein is more of an anabolic nutrient but you can use protein to create energy e Carbs and fats are the main source of energy for exercise VIII Anaerobic Glycolysis a Glycogen or Glucose act as initial substrate b Energy Investment Phase i Use 2 ATP c Energy Generation Phase i Makes 4 ATP d End product is Pyruvic acid which is converted to Lactic Acid e Carbs are super important because it produces energy anaerobically so during high intensity workouts f The Energy investment phase is what it costs us IX Net Equation for Glycolysis a Glucose 2 ATP 2 Lactate H2O b This is for anaerobic glycolysis X Energy Investment Phase a b 3 is the rate limiting enzyme for glycolysis TQ c Hexokinase is non reversible once it starts it has to go on d e At 4 you see it split which is why we have two of the same thing XI Energy Generation Phase a b c We end with 2 molecules of 2 pyruvate which in anaerobic conditions is converted to lactic acid and in that step we use NADH XII Glycogen vs Glucose a b Note that there is no ATP cost here TQ c Besides that they re basically the same XIII Exercise and Anaerobic Glycolysis a b ATP PC and Glycolysis are happening in the cytosol XIV Anaerobic Glycolysis vs Oxidative Phosphorylation a In the absence of oxygen pyruvate is converted to lactate b In the presence of oxygen pyruvate is shuttled into the mitochondria and begin the Citric Acid Cycle TCA Cycle Krebs Cycle c Pyruvate will be converted to acetyl coA to start the krebs cycle XV Mitochondria Structure a The cristae is where the electron transport chain takes place XVI TCA Cycle Facts a Also known as the Krebs Cycle b Pyruvate from Glycolysis is shuttled into the mitochondria to start the reaction c Cycle is made up of 8 distinct reactions d Two cycles are completed per G 6 P molecule broken down in Glycolysis e Per 1 molecule of glucose we get two molecules of pyruvate f Per 1 molecule of glucose we go around the cycle twice important XVII Pyruvate Conversion a b c d We don t need to know the steps just what is being produced e NADH is a hydrogen shuttle because it starts as NAD then picks up H and becomes NADH and then takes H to the electron transport chain to make ATP f FADH is another hydrogen shuttle that does basically the same thing g GTP is converted to ATP and is basically the same as ATP h Where we have GTP produced that is called substrate phosphorylation because its being directly produced important XVIII Control of TCA Cycle a Isocitrate Dehydrogenase i NADH and ATP inhibit isocitrate dehydrogenase ii ADP Pi NAD Ca activate isocitrate dehydrogenase b The rate limiting enzyme of this cycle is called isocitrate dehydrogenase c If there is a lot of ATP or NADH then we have plenty so it will inhibit the cycle and the reactions and slow it down d If we have a lot of ADP NAD then we need to keep going because it s the leftovers of ATP and that means that we re using a lot so we need to produce more faster XIX Carbohydrates a We have a bunch of NADH and FADH2 which is the goal of the krebs cycle so the shuttles can go to the electron transport chain where a lot

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UH KIN 3306 - Bioenergetics and the Different Types of Energy Systems

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 12
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