ECU RELI 1000 - Religion In The 21st Century

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RELI 1000 1st Edition Lecture 15 Religion in the 21st Century Challenges Reactions and the way Forward Challenges Challenges Science Modernization Secularism Pluralism Materialism Social Issues Reactions Responses Interfaith Intra faith movements Fundamentalism Movements New Religious Movements Modernization Modernization Social change is facilitated by advancements in technology production and consumption Societies evolve by progressing from barbarism to greater levels of development civilization Assumptions Modern states should be wealthier more powerful Citizens in these states should be free have a higher standard of living Societies that are not open to change are barbaric harmful to progress development Indigenous culture religions must be replaced by modern often Westernized one Soon religion will decline as science takes over in a secular world Secularization These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Secularization is the process of social transformation by which the society stops to identify with religious institutions Social progresses will lead to less dependence of society on religion as religions loses position of authority The separation of religion and society A secular state is a modern because it separates state matters from religious matters Pluralism Globalization brings people together Creation of a universal culture as religions begin to transcend local place of origin Muslims Christians Jews Buddhists Hindus indigenous practitioners find themselves living together The challenge Questions of validity arises Who among these is right Social issues The challenge of social issues arises amidst facts such as poverty injustice sexism racism etc How are religions to respond to these issues Are they to remain disengaged Reactions Responses to Challenges 1 Exclusivism The view that one s religion is the only true and valid religion 2 Other religions are a threat and must be false and erroneous 3 Most proselytizing evangelizing religions seeking convert hold this view Characteristics of Exclusivists Harden religious boundaries Deny the validity of others Many use violence where necessary Religious conflicts Most fundamentalist are exclusivists Taliban Al Qaida Inclusivism 2 Inclusivism A view that other religions have a truth to offer to religious knowledge Characteristics Interfaith intra faith movements emerge from inclusivist understandings Dialogue a willingness of members from different religious communities to gather investigate their differences to understand and be enriched by each other s values Contextualization The belief that all scriptures must be understood interpreted in their cultural contexts Single World Religion Attempts to create a single world religion Bahai religion A single religion asserts itself over other religions Hinduism all religions are Hindus different paths of attaining salvation A religion is presented as the culmination of all previous religions Islam claims that it is the completion of the Western monotheistic religions Tolerance 3 Tolerance A view that affirms one s own faith commitment but seeks to find ways to live in harmony with others E g The rise of ecumenical movements Promotes the Agree to disagree policy for peace The 1993 Interfaith Centenary celebration goals Chicago In 1993 Interfaith movement organized a Centenary celebration in Chicago to promote tolerance 7 000 people attended the celebration of the Parliament of the World s Religions Declaration of a global ethic We commit ourselves to this global ethic to understanding one another and to socially beneficial peace fostering and nature friendly ways of life We invite all people whether religious or not to do the same 5 This ethic was based on the golden rule taught in all religions What you do not wish done to yourself do not do to others Reaction to Social Issues Religions attempt to engage issues like Environmental ethics education heath care social injustice racism violence poverty injustice other forms of oppression E g Christian liberation movements Black Feminist Asian Latino etc Buddhists activism against landmines Socially engaged Buddhism Muslims Christian participation in the 1994 Cairo Conference on population development Some support other opposed issues like abortion birth control etc Reaction to Materialism Fundamentalism A form of resistance to modernism and materialism E g Islamic Shia Jewish Gush Emunim in Israel American Protestantism Fundamentalists aims are to preserve tradition and purity of the past Fear contamination from social changes e g human rights western modern culture other religious influence Seclusion Some withdraw to seclusion Monk Argument Pursuit of wealth and career advancement in modern world is leading to selfinterests power mongering and corruption dictatorship etc Moral values such as honesty altruism justice harmony and public good are threatened The result is a sickness and oppression a sick world that is in need of spirituality meaning and public good Jerry Falwell an American fundamentalist Jerry began his ministry in an independent Baptist congregation in Virginia in 1956 He criticized the mass media TV for its influence on the youth T V fosters disrespect for traditional family values However he turned to TV to proselytize preaching using the media to counter these values

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ECU RELI 1000 - Religion In The 21st Century

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