0 1 2 34 5 67 8 1 97 1 9 3 70 14 A B145 C 05 1 C 138 1 D EF D G43A 0 1 2 34 5 67 8 1 D EF 7 0141 H738I7 A 7 7 A 7 304 7 J 57 83 K77 3L 07 G 1 7 K 0 0 MN OP 1 3 34 5 MN OP QJE 4 0 07 8 1 45G 0 1 R energy major source of fuel for respiration provides carbohydrate skeletons for biosynthesis building more complicated molecules from simple ones T U 7 J7 E 07 G 1 U 0R 7 S 41 A 5 59 70 110mg 100ml so set point is 90mg 100ml V W H L4GG7 57 X UJ 4 J7 7Y73 0 0 1 K 0 J7 GO07 8 1 K E 0 0 7I7 R BZ 94I70 Z S 1307 2Z 4 17E Z B GJ 27 Z 1 7 817 B145 C 05 1 C 138 1A 0 67 8 1 T 05 17 3 1 made by alpha cells in pancreas target tissues cells in the liver Glucogan signals the conversion of the gylcogen in liver to glucose and its release into the blood stream 1 41 made by beta cells in the pancreas target tissues most all cells except the brain to uptake glucose cells in the liver uptake glucose and store as glycogen decrease glycogen breakdown V 90mg 100ml 012 3 Less than 90mg 100ml 4 60mg is less than 90mg 4 Alpha Cells in Pancreas Liver breaks down glycogen releases glucose into blood Blood glucose sensor 56 7 Blood Glucose 44 8 8 DB6D T 6 a QJ E U 1 3 1 0 R Increased blood glucose level 44 8 9 4 W L4G 57 7 b 90mg 100ml 012 3 110mg 100ml 110 90 4 blood glucose sensor 4 Beta cells in the Pancreas body cells take up glucose blood glucose Liver 56 7 Blood glucose levels decrease 44 8 9 4 44 8 8 DB6D T 6 a QJ E U 1 3 1 0 R Insulin hormone W 7 K 3 0 JE 0 7 7 0 67 8 1A QJ 3 1 U0 1 R M J41L J7 45G 7 71 30417 G JU EP Not Enough insulin Signal not getting through target ells are not responding to insulin 4 7 7 57 4 DEG7 Insulin Dependent diabetes Immune system is destroying the beta cells in pancreas cant produce insulin DEG7 Non insulin Dependent diabetes Failure of target cells to respond normally to insulin excess body weight lack of exercise 1 137 K DEG7 4 7 7 c K J7 U 0 F G G 8 1 J DEG7 4 7 7 M340Z P d J7 I4 E Y73 7 G G 8 1 A BX G 0 K 0 G7X e G 1X B 0 4 X 1 4 X B0 7181 M34 8 1A Q 0 T7 J 0 14f 8 1P 2 34 5 67 8 1 QJE 4 2 N 07 8 1 45G 0 1 R Necessary for normal cell functioning Synaptic transmission Levels too low skeletal muscles effected contract convulsively tetnus can be fatal Levels too high Calcium Phosphate precipitates can form in the bones can cause organ damage range in blood 9 11 mg 100mL B145 C 05 1 C 138 1A 2 34 5 67 8 1 T 05 17 G 0 JE0 4 J 05 17 MSDTP Produced in the parathyroid Target tissues Bones Release Ca2 into the blood stream Kidneys A Reabsorption of Ca2 B Converts vitamin D into an active hormone which stimulate the uptake of Ca2 for food 3 34 141 Produced in the thyroid Targeted tissues Bones inhibits uptake of Ca2 from bones into the bloodstream Kidneys enhances Ca2 release from kidneys Figure 45 20 2 Increases Ca2 uptake in intestines Active vitamin D Stimulates Ca2 uptake in kidneys PTH Stimulates Ca2 release from bones Parathyroid gland behind thyroid STIMULUS Falling blood Ca2 level Blood Ca2 level rises Homeostasis Blood Ca2 level about 10 mg 100 mL V 10 mg 100mL 012 3 9 10 mg 100mL 9mg 100mL 4 4 Parathyroid blood Ca2 sensor parathyroid releasing Ca2 Bones and Kidneys 56 7 converting vitamin D into an active hormone stimulate uptake of Ca2 from food blood level Ca2 increases blood Ca2 level 44 8 9 4 44 8 8 DB6D T 6 a QJ E U 1 3 1 0 R PTH g 54 L K 0 07 LK M U 2 NP 7 b 012 3 4 4 56 7 44 8 9 4 44 8 8 DB6D T 6 a QJ E U 1 3 1 0 R W 7 2 N 043J K 7 B145 C 05 1 C 138 1A 0 1 2 34 5 67 8 1 D EF 7 0141 H738I7 A 7 7 A 7 304 7 J 57 83 K77 3L 07 G 1 7 K 0 0 MN OP 1 3 34 5 MN OP DJ41L A 2 0 1 7 7I70 7 41307 7 GJ GJ 7 X UJ43J 7307 7 2 N G L7Z T U U 041L41 0 5 07 G70 E Y73 E R
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