BIOL 460 1st Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I Blood Vessels Start of Final Material a Arteries b Veins c Capillaries II Lymphatic System Outline of Current Lecture I Lymph Vessels II Lymph Nodes III Atherosclerosis IV Blood Clotting a Formation b Anticoagulants Current Lecture a Lymph Vessels i Connected to lymph capillaries ii Similar to veins including valves b Lymph Nodes i Afferent lymphatics into the node ii Efferent lymphatics out of node iii More afferent than efferent iv Lymph goes through node slowly v Contains B and T lymphocytes macrophages vi Like a filter vii Site of metastasis cancer cells enter lymphatic system get stuck and divide biopsy near lymph nodes near cancer site to see if cancer has metastasized yet c Thoracic Duct carries most lymph in body to the left subclavian vein returns most to blood d Right Lymphatic Duct to R subclavian vein These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute e Cisternae Chyli from small intestine transports chylomicrons Atherosclerosis 1 Disease of arteries 2 Responsible for of deaths in America every year 3 Formation of plaques in arteries atheromas a Fat b Crystals of cholesterol calcium bone 4 Restricts blood supply to tissue downstream 5 Often has roughened edge causing stationary blood clot thrombus 6 If the thrombus breaks loose and moves embolus 7 Injury hypothesis a Atheromas result of damage to endothelium of artery b Damage inflammation atheroma c How to damage cigarette smoking hypertension bacterial or viral infection periodontal disease 8 Related to cholesterol and saturated fat in diet a Familial Hypercholesterema b Caused by autosomal dominant AA DEATH c Transported by LDLs low density lipoproteins i Cholesterol and triglycerides in center ii On membrane apolipoproteins d Other cells have receptor for apolipoproteins causing LDL to adhere to receptors stimulating receptor mediated endocytosis e Cell uses cholesterol and triglycerides f Liver makes LDLs then use the majority of them g In Familial Hypercholesteremia liver doesn t have many apolipoprotein receptors most LDLs taken up in blood stream h Liver downregulates receptors when there is too much cholesterol consumed bad diet i HDLs are good cholesterol transports unused cholesterol to liver j Liver cells are the only cells with HDL receptors takes up and dispose of HDL in bile k Ratio of HDL LDL is important in determining risk factor Ischemic Heart Disease 1 Inschemia lack of blood flow and oxygen to as tissue 2 Atherosclerosis myocardial ischemia fermentation lactic acid build up angina pectoris bad enough heart muscle will die myocardial infarction heart attack Blood Clotting 1 Hemostasis cessation of bleeding 2 3 steps a Vasoconstriction 3 4 5 6 b Platelet plug petechiae red spots where platelets aren t being properly produced c Clot Figure 13 7 a Endothelium of intact vessel produces NO vasodilator and prostacyclin a prostaglandin that keeps platelets from sticking together and acts as a vasodilator b CD39 ADP AP P ADP allows platelets to stick so CD39 prevents ADP from building up when clotting is not needed Damaged Vessel a Rupture in endothelium b Underlying tissues exposed lots of collagen c Platelets have proteins that stick to collagen d Von Willibrands Factor VWF pitchfork structure protein produced by endothelial cells help platelets adhere to collagen one type of hemophilia caused by a deficiency in this e Causes Platelet Release Reaction i Degranulation vesicles in platelet look like granules ii Vesicles undergo exocytosis fusing with PM iii Thromboxin A2 prostaglandin and ADP are released 1 TXA2 helps platelets stick also a vasoconstrictor 2 ADP makes platelets sticky 3 Growth factors released speed repair of connective tissues 4 Tissue Factor released important in clotting Formation of a Clot a Fibrin network mesh of fibers b Can contract c Fibrinogen soluble plasma proteins throbrin polymer of fibrin d Prothrombin Thrombin i Intrinsic Mechanism 1 Slower 2 Blood only 3 Clots by itself ii Extrinsic Mechanism 1 Involves chemicals from tissues 2 Tissue Factors e Clotting Factors i Mostly plasma proteins in blood ii Work together to form clot iii Ca2 needed Dissolution of Clots a Prekallikrein XII kallikrein b Plasminogen kallikrein thrombin or tissue plasminogen activator Plasmin enzyme that digests fibrin c Same steps that form clot also aid in dissolution of clot thrombin XII d TPA used to dissolve clots in stroke and myocardial infarctions produced by endothelial cells e Also use streptokinase produced by streptococcus to dissolve fibrin 7 Anticoagulants a Aspirin inhibits COX 1 inhibits platelet release reaction b Coumarin warfarin inhibits activation of vitamin K no Ca2 binding to clotting factors c Heparin inhibits thrombin what blood storing glassware is coated with d Citrate binds Ca2 making it unavailable e EDTA binds Ca2 making it unavailable
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