UA NHM 101 - Fat soluble vitamins
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NHM 101 1nd Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Water Soluble Vitamins Outline of Current Lecture II III Water Soluble Vitamin Fat Soluble Vitamins Current Lecture Choline essential nutrient Function o Helps to make neurotransmitter and the phospholipid lecithin o During pregnancy supports the development of the brain and spinal cord AI o AI for men 550 mg day o AI for women 425 mg day Upper Limit o UL 3500 mg day Food sources o Milk o Eggs o peanuts Deficiency o None noted Toxicity o None noted Vitamin C Function o Antioxidant substance that significantly decreases the adverse effects of free radicals by donating an electron or two Free radicals are an unstable molecule o Protects tissues from oxidative stress o May play an important role in preventing disease o Serves as a cofactor to form collagen o Enhances iron absorption in the small intestine These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Some studies show no benefit to preventing common RDA o RDA for men 90 mg day o RDA for women 75 mg day o Smokers 35 mg day Upper Limit o UL 2000 mg day Food sources o Fruits citrus fruits strawberries o Vegetables broccoli Deficiency o Scurvy Symptoms Bleeding gums Pinpoint hemmorhages Muscles degenerate Skin rashes Wounds fail to heal Teeth fall out due to weakening cartilage Toxicity o GI distress o Diarrhea Vitamin A Function o Regulate the expression of genes o Vision Maintains a clear cornea Conversion of light energy into nerve impulses at the retina o Part of protein synthesis and cell differentiation to maintain the health of epithelial cells and skin o Vitamin A protects skin from sun damage o Support reproduction and regulate growth o Participates in sperm development o Supports fetal growth o Beta carotene acts as an antioxidant RDA o RDA for men 900 mcg day o RDA for women 700 mcg day Upper Limit o UL 3000 mcg day Food sources o Milk and milk products o Eggs o Liver o Beta carotene Dark green leafy vegetables Deep orange fruits and vegetables Apricots and cantaloupe Squash carrots sweet potatoes and pumpkin Deficiency o Uncommon in the U S o Deficiency symptoms would not appear for 1 2 years in an adult after o minimal intake in the diet o Major nutrition problem in developing countries 250 million children have vitamin A deficiency 1 2 become blind every year o Night blindness is one of the first detectable signs Individuals lose the ability to recover from the temporary blinding of o a bright light at night o Total blindness Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the world Toxicity o Typically only happens with high doses from supplements o Beta carotene causes yellowing of the skin but is not harmful o Suppresses bone building activity o Cause birth defects by causing abnormal cell death in the spinal cord o Accutane made from Vitamin A but is chemically different Vitamin D Two forms o Vitamin D2 primarily from plants foods o Vitamin D3 Primarily from animal foods and synthesized in the skin UV rays from the sun hit a precursor in the skin and convert it to Vitamin D3 with the help of the body s heat Function o Hormone o Bone health o Assists in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus o May protect against tuberculosis inflammation hypertension o and some cancers RDA o RDA 15 mcg day o RDA 20 mcg day if over 70 yo Upper Limit o UL 20 mcg day Food sources Fortified milk Margarine and butter Beef and liver Fatty fish herring salmon and sardines Egg yolks Deficiency o 10 of the US population is deficient and 25 are marginally o deficient o Outward signs of vitamin D deficiency are not common in adults o A Vitamin D deficiency creates a calcium deficiency Calcium would not be absorbed in the GI tract without Vitamin D o Factors that contribute to deficiency include Dark skin Breastfeeding without supplementation Lack of sunlight Not using fortified milk o Adults Osteopenia Osteoporosis o Older adults Common in the elderly Skin liver and kidneys lose their ability to activate Vitamin D Older adults typically drink less milk Spend a lot of time inside o Children and adolescents Adolescents Vitamin D deficient adolescent do not reach peak bone mass Children Rickets Inadequate bone mineralization that causes bowed legs Not common in US but common worldwide AAP recommends supplementation for all children who do not receive enough Vitamin D Toxicity o Raises the concentration of blood calcium o High amounts of blood calcium can cause kidney stones Vitamin E Function o Antioxidant to defend against the adverse effects of free radicals o Thus may reduce the risk of heart disease RDA o RDA 15 mg day Upper Limit o 1000 mg day Food sources o Vegetable oils o Margarine and salad dressings Deficiency o Rare o Deficiency is usually associated with diseases with fat o malabsorption o Causes neuromuscular dysfunction Toxicity o May interfere with blood clotting action of Vitamin K Vitamin K Function o Primary function is blood clotting o Synthesis of bone proteins o Bacteria in the GI tract synthesize vitamin K RDA o RDA Men 120 mcg day o RDA Women 90 mcg day Upper Limit o No UL Food sources o Liver o Dark green leafy vegetables o Vegetable oils Deficiency o Secondary deficiency occurs for other reasons than inadequate o dietary intake o Problems with fat absorption may cause deficiency o Antibiotics kill the bacteria in the intestine o Newborns are born with a sterile GI tract and thus their body cannot make vitamin K Given a single dose at birth Toxicity o Not common o High doses can work against Coumadin an anti coagulant drug

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