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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 14 Lecture 1 Topic 1 Four themes focused on in class American Sense of Mission American Imperialism Capitalism Consumerism and Racism Prejudice Ethnic Hatred American Sense of Mission Thomas Paine thought there was a need to leave Britain to become the best nation The Puritans were a group of people who believed it was there job to reform the Church they failed numerous times in England so they traveled across the Atlantic to form a new colony John Witherow made a speech stating that it was essential for them to succeed because they needed to show England they can achieve this goal City Upon a Hill Secularization to set religious values aside and focus on non religious values such as government Lecture 2 Topic 1 American Imperialism other nations view us as an Empire because that is how we have acted from the beginning Imperialism is the policy or practice of extending the power of a nation wither by direct territorial or by having control over political or economic life of areas th 19 Century the U S has always been seen as an impenitent imperialism meaning we don t express our regrets for sins or offenses Expansionism we had the belief that as a country we should grow Continental Empire in 1877 we established as an imperialistic force Thomas Paine believed we needed to build a continental empire in order to lead the world a White Man s Burden is the duty of whites to civilize the people Lebensraum means we needed space to have for growing families and immigrants th Examples of 19 Century Imperialism Treaty of Paris 1783 ended the American Revolution demanded for the U K to give up surrounding land set out to gain land Empire for Liberty Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson wanted more land knew California War of 1812 wanted the land around U S invaded Canada to take their land but failed East and West Florida Andrew Jackson invaded Florida while Spain controlled it wanted California and other west coast lands Indian Removal kicked natives out because they wanted their land to grow cotton Mexican War U S knew the Rio Grande was not the border convinced Congress to declare war Mexico attacked us because we the truth they lost and gave us New Mexico Arizona because of guilt we gave them 15 million Lecture 3 Topic 1 Capitalism Charles Beard believed the founding fathers were motivated to write the Constitution because it would allow them to keep their power and wealth each person had a personal stake when writing the document Racism any attitude action or institutional structure which subordinates a person or group because of his or their color we are a white man s society Reconstruction the goal was to restore the South from the war and move forward toward a more powerful nation the three answers given during Reconstruction restore Union with little or no political economic or social change in south restore Union and shift political power in South not to blacks but to the poorer whites Restore Union and bring back extensive political economic political and social change in south Answer 1 Slavery would not exist status of freedmen in the South would be worked out by the white Southerners who d controlled South in the pre war years little or no interference from outsiders Lincoln s plan offered general amnesty to all who would pledge future loyalty to U S allowed citizens of each southern state to elect a new state government and return to Union once 10 of the people who voted in that state in 1860 had taken the loyalty oath Answer 2 Political power would be taken away from planters and given to yeoman farmers and poor whites of the South they would determine the status of blacks instead of planters Andrew Johnson s plan favored this plan because he personally represented the poor whites each state had to reject the Confederate War debt and its own state war debt as a condition of re entry into replace the to view white Union black codes laws enacted by southern legislatures to institution of slavery as a labor and social control system still had men as upper classmen Answer 3 Radical Republicans took over their plan was politically reconstructed South would be a South in which political power would be distributed among whites and blacks Economically distribute region s wealth all of the citizens Socially hope to move blacks in reconstructed South toward first class citizenship Major Achievements 13th 14th and 15th Amendment Reconstruction Acts Freeman s Bureau Reconstruction failed because the northerners failed to accept the freedmen and still wanted white supremacy Lecture 4 Topic 2 Populism Purity Crusade blue laws ban and restrict certain activities on Sunday Women s Christian Temperance Act group of women devoted to social reform purpose was to create a sober and pure world by Christianity Comstock Act law stating it was illegal to send any mail with offensive materials or words conservative Retreat from civil rights 15 Amendment no criminals allowed to vote changed the ballots by discarding pictures and only use words which benefited the whites to control the blcaks votes Compromise of 1877 Democrats complained Tilden had been cheated of the election compromise says that Democrats will accept Hayes as President IF republicans would meet their demands they must remove federal troops from Confederate States appoint at least one democrat to his cabinet and must build another transcontinental railroad provide aid to rebuild south Lecture 5 Topic 2 Populist Crusade Tenant farmers farmers would get financial help from landowners for the equipment Crop lien and sharecropping they would get money from owners if they would give some of their crops to owners merchants and landowners would get paid first then the farmers Debt peonage whatever a person earned would go towards the debt they owed laws were passed to prevent people from leaving the county if they owed any money Lynching act of violence such as burning hanging and shooting to intimidate the blacks served to let the blacks know white people were still superior a commonplace throughout the nation Sam Hose after getting into a disagreement with employer Sam threw an axe at him for defense he fled to Marshallville where he was captured by the mob they ignored the authorities and burned him to death Jesse Washington accused of raping his employer s wife he was sent to trial for a hearing after the jury found him guilty he was lynched outside Waco s city hall Ed Johnson

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UNT HIST 2620 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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