UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Psych350_2.03.14

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Developmental Psychology Psych 350 Professor McDermott Welcome Scholars Today s class topic Neuroscience Approaches Announcements Overview QUIZ 2 Opens after class today Discuss several neuroscience techniques to study the brain EEG ERP MRI fMRI Contrast these techniques with each other What are the benefits and or drawbacks for specific scientific inquiry Explore novel technique of TMS in relation to autism Frontal Lobe Complex cognition reasoning some motor skills expressive language Parietal Lobe Tactile sensory processing integration of body senses Occipital Lobe Visual Processing Temporal Lobe Auditory processing key role in memory Electroencephalogram EEG Record of electrical activity generated by the brain via externally placed electrodes EEG Waveforms Event Related Potentials ERP ERPs are sections of EEG that are time locked to a specific stimulus or response EEG ERP Benefit Temporally excellent On the order of milliseconds Drawback Spatially poor resolution can t directly tell us where in the brain the activation is occurring Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Visual images of the structure of the brain while a person lies in a very large and powerful magnet Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging fMRI Measures brain activity by tracking changes in blood flow hemodynamic response BOLD while a participant completes an activity thinking observing or responding Blood oxygen level depend contrast BOLD signal fMRI Benefit Spatially excellent On the order of voxels mm Drawback Temporally poor resolution can t directly exactly when in the brain the processing is occurring Note with specialized processing you can get measure of the order of activation of different regions functional connectivity They are currently working on technology to combine ERP fMRI methodology Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS Activate or de activate certain regions of the brain Via polarization or depolarization of neurons Using a pulsing and powerful magnet Reveals Function of particular regions Connections between certain regions TMS Benefit Huge potential for re programming the brain Autism Depression Drawbacks Potential risks still being tracked

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UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Psych350_2.03.14

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