USF AS 300 - AS300 Syllabus

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UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AEROSPACE STUDIES COURSE SYLLABUS Air Force Leadership Studies I 3 Credits AFR 3231 Spring Semester 2011 Instructor Captain Christine M Newsome 1 Welcome back from your break This syllabus will provide an overview of AS 300 Air Force Leadership Studies plus details on the objectives requirements and evaluations 2 Expectations The purpose of the AS 300 course is to give students an overview of leadership studies You are not expected to emerge with an in depth knowledge of the topics covered but are encouraged to seek further research after you ve completed the course Aside from the specific goals and lesson topics this is a vehicle to help you transition into U S Air Force officers The mandatory Leadership Laboratory compliments this curriculum by providing experiences in officer type activities giving students an opportunity to apply the leadership principles studied 3 Course Objectives Each lesson will support one or more of the following course objectives a Apply listening speaking and writing skills in Air Force peculiar formats and situations with accuracy clarity and appropriate style b Comprehend selected individual leadership skills and personal strengths weaknesses as applied in an Air Force environment c Comprehend the responsibility and authority of an Air Force officer the Air Force officer s responsibilities in the counseling and feedback process and the selected duties and responsibilities as a subordinate leader d Comprehend and apply concepts of ethical behavior 4 a b c d Text Books United States Air Force Leadership Studies Reserve Officer Training Corps 2010 2011 Principles of Leadership and Management The Tongue and Quill 2004 Available electronically via web Concepts for Air Force Leadership AFL 2001 5 Course Structure This course will be presented in the form of lectures case studies and student presentations Students must be prepared for class by reviewing the corresponding reading assignment found in the class schedule Attachment 1 During this semester students will present one briefing have several writing assignments and participate in case studies and team activities 6 Attendance a A minimum of 80 attendance of scheduled classes is required for a passing grade regardless of class standing It is up to you to see me regarding any makeup assignments due to an absence In addition two tardies to class will equal one unexcused absence Coordinate with instructor prior to being late or absent b Let me make this perfectly clear because there are students from many different schools with different academic calendars you must attend 80 of the classes you are required to attend minus the excused absences that you get for holidays differences in semester start dates etc So if there are 15 class weeks scheduled and you have two excused for holidays etc then you must attend 80 of the 13 classes or 11 classes Remember a minimum of 80 attendance of scheduled classes is required for a passing grade regardless of class standing 5 Grades a You must maintain a minimum of a C grade in AFROTC Your grade will be determined from the following criteria Graded Item Attendance Participation Written Assignments Briefings Midterm Exam Final Weight USF Grading Scale 15 15 Points 90 100 A 20 20 Points 80 89 B 15 15 Points 70 79 C 25 25 Points 60 69 D 25 25 Points 59 or below F 100 100 Points 1 b Incompletes Incomplete grades will be given in accordance with university policy They will not be used for the making up of unsatisfactory or delinquent work 6 Classroom Conduct 1 a Your actions speech dress and appearance reflect upon your character and integrity You are expected to behave like a future Air Force officer at all times 2 b USF Policy No food or beverages other than water are allowed in the classroom 1 c When an instructor or another officer enters the classroom to begin the class the students will call the room to attention Once class is in session the instructor may call the room to attention when a senior officer Col or above enters Students are required to come to attention when the class is concluded 1 d Both the Air Force and the University of South Florida do not tolerate cheating Those caught cheating will be subject to discipline by the AFROTC detachment and the university 7 Nonattibution Policy In an effort to promote rich discussion and the free exchange of ideas full freedom of expression is encouraged during all academic endeavors Comments made by cadets cadre or guest speakers will not be attributed to them in any public forum or to any individual likely to transmit such statements to a public forum All such comments are off the record 8 Civil Involvement Each cadet must report all involvements in which they were cited or charged by civil military or school law enforcement activities regardless of disposition or significance within 72 hours of the involvement when it takes place during school sessions If the involvement occurs during vacation or holidays you must certify the form within 72 hours of your return to campus 9 Drug Abuse The Air Force will not tolerate the use abuse possession or handling of any illegal drugs of any kind Avoid all situations where drugs may be used or where you would have knowledge of their possession by others 10 Counseling During the semester cadets must sign up for a counseling session with me A sign up schedule will be available to all students Once you have set an appointment make every effort to be present for it If you must cancel and reschedule please do so at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment Report to the counseling session in uniform During your appointment we will review your academic plan and discuss any questions or concerns you may have Failure to advise the AFROTC staff of ANY changes in your academic plan including your major could be considered a breach of contract and may result in the loss of scholarship entitlements I have an open door policy While it is best to schedule an appointment I am here to help you Don t let a situation get out of hand before seeking advice or help from any of the cadre 11 Academic Plans Form 48 All cadets are required by AFROTC regulation to have their academic plan reevaluated and recertified by their academic advisor every term The deadline to accomplish this action is 22 February 2011 Failure to complete this action will result in a conditional event for failure to meet military retention standards 12 Critiques All students will

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USF AS 300 - AS300 Syllabus

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