ELMHURST CHM 103 - Enzymes
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 29

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Enzymes Enzyme Active Site Amino acid side chains interact metal ions Various types of polar non polar ionic interactions Enzyme Active Site Amino acid side chains interact metal ions Various types of polar non polar ionic interactions Enzymes Lock and Key Analogy lock enzyme key substrate Enzymes Lock and Key Analogy lock enzyme key substrate Induced Fit Theory Enzyme is not rigid changes shape with substrate Induced Fit Theory Enzyme is not rigid changes shape with substrate Enzymes Cofactors Coenzymes contain a vitamin or metal ion Enzymes Cofactors Metal ions present in trace amounts Enzymes Cofactors Metal ions present in trace amounts Enzyme Cofactors Coenzyme non protein organic maybe a vitamin Enzyme Cofactors Coenzyme non protein organic maybe a vitamin Enzyme Cofactors Coenzyme non protein organic maybe a vitamin Enzymes Enzymes Activity Temperature and pH effect enzyme action Enzymes Activity Temperature and pH effect enzyme action Enzymes Activity Enzyme and substrate concentrations Enzymes Inhibitors Nonspecific denaturation pH temperature Enzyme Inhibitors Noncompetitive Enzyme Inhibitors Competive mimic substrate may block active site but may dislodge it Enzyme Inhibitors Competive mimic substrate may block active site but may dislodge it Enzyme Inhibitors Enzyme Inhibitors Irreversible covalently binds to active site Enzyme Inhibitors Regulator or feedback used to control a sequence of reactions reaction product may block initial enzyme Enzyme Inhibitors Regulator or feedback used to control a sequence of reactions reaction product may block initial enzyme Enzyme Inhibitors Enzyme Inhibitors Drugs as Enzyme Inhibitors Drug mimics some natural chemical to block enzyme Drugs as Enzyme Inhibitors Drug mimics some natural chemical to block enzyme

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Enzymes

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 29
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