ELMHURST CHM 103 - Week 11 DNA
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 8

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Week 11 DNA RNA Lectures 29 and 30 http www elmhurst edu chm vchembook 580DNA html Concepts Parts lists for DNA and RNA sugars phosphate bases Structure of DNA and RNA hydrogen bonding base pairing DNA replication and transcripition to RNA Types of RNA mRNA tRNA rRNA Genetic Code and use in protein synthesis Recombinant DNA PCR DNA Fingerprinting Ques 1 List by name the heterocyclic amines in DNA and RNA Ques 2 What are the three major chemical compounds in a DNA nucleotide Ques 3 a List and explain the major primary structural features in an DNA polynucleotide What are the backbone and the side chains b What are the differences in a similar description for RNA Ques 4 Use the above structures to answer the questions below a Which structure is a phosphate b Which structure is a pentose sugar or ribose c Which structure is a heterocyclic amine or a base d Which structure is a nucleotide e Which structure is a phosphate ester bond Ques 5 Use the structures above to answer the following questions a In base pairing if the name is given for cytosine then the other base with letter A must be b In base pairing if the name is given for adenine then the other base with letter B in RNA must be c The dotted green balls represent what kind of bond Ques 6 a The structure represented by A is By B is b The structure represented by C is c The backbone of alternating structures of A and B is held together by what kind of bond d The heterocyclic amine side chains structures represented by C are held together by what kind of bond Ques 7 Describe all types of bonding in a double helix DNA Include the backbone as well as the interchain interactions Ques 8 Using the short segment of DNA below replicate the DNA in preparation for all division Clearly label the original and new DNA strands original DNA 1 A T A G C T A T A T C G A T DNA 2 Ques 9 Using the DNA strand above describe fully the DNA replication process Include template hydrogen bonding base pairing complementary strand Ques 10 Starting with the given strand of DNA 1 make a replication of the strand into another strand of DNA 2 DNA 1 C T T G G G T C C G C A G T T DNA 2 Ques 11 Make a transcription of the second strand of DNA 2 made in QUES 10 to messenger RNA DNA 2 mRNA Read and translate the codons on m RNA into the appropriate amino acids Ques 12 Make a transcription of the strand of DNA 1 to messenger RNA DNA 1 A G A T G A mRNA Read and translate the codons on m RNA into the appropriate amino acids Ques 13 Read and translate the codons on m RNA into the appropriate amino acids m RNA C A G A A U G U C U G G Write out the complete structure of the protein to be made Ques 14 List contrast and explain the function of the three types of RNA molecules Describe r RNA m RNA Describe t RNA Ques 15 What is the anticodon What is the difference between an anticodon and a codon Ques 16 Explain the complete process for protein synthesis as exemplified in the above questions starting with DNA and finishing with making of the protein Use all of the types of DNA and RNA and the processes involved http www elmhurst edu chm vchembook 584proteinsyn html See graphic on next page Ques 17 Make a transcription of the strand of DNA 1 to messenger RNA DNA 1 A G A T G AG T G a mRNA b Read and translate the codons on m RNA into the appropriate amino acids c If a mutation of the first G guanine is mutated into C cytosine how does this change the amino acid sequence Be specific by redoing the problem with this one mutation d In a frame shift mutation one base is either added or deleted If a C cytosine is added after the first A how does this mutation change the sequence of amino acids produced e Explain how this frame shift mutation is probably responsible for many of the enzyme genetic defect diseases Ques 18 In Hb S the abnormal hemoglobin found in individuals with sickle cell anemia glutamic acid at position 6 in the beta chain is replaced by valine a List the two codons for glu and the four codons for val that might be read from the mRNA b Show how a single change in the codon of one base heterocyclic amine on the mRNA results in val substitution for glu c Continue going backwards what base is the mutation on the DNA that would give a wrong base on mRNA and hence give the wrong code for glu instead of val in the hemoglobin d Explain why the change of one amino acid the substitution of valine in place of the correct glutamic acid cause such a drastic change in properties Ques 19 Explain how recombinant DNA is able to cause E coli bacteria to make human insulin Ques 20 Explain the basic principle of DNA finger printing for identification or for genetic screening Ques 21 Explain the basic principles of PCR or gene cloning What is the purpose And how can it be combined with DNA fingerprinting Ques 22 Explain the basic principles of how a virus works and how a vaccine can prevent a viral infection Ques 23 What are the principles involved with various treatments to control HIV and AIDS Anticancer Drug Actions http www elmhurst edu chm vchembook 655cancer2 html Catagories of Chemotherapy Drugs In general chemotherapy agents can be divided into three main categories based on their mechanism of action Stop the synthesis of pre DNA molecule building blocks These agents work in a number of different ways DNA building blocks are folic acid heterocyclic bases and nucleotides which are made naturally within cells All of these agents work to block some step in the formation of nucleotides or deoxyribonucleotides necessary for making DNA When these steps are blocked the nucleotides which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA can not be synthesized Thus the cells can not replicate because they cannot make DNA without the nucleotides Examples of drugs in this class include 1 methotrexate Abitrexate 2 fluorouracil Adrucil 3 hydroxyurea Hydrea and 4 mercaptopurine Purinethol Directly damage the DNA in the nucleus of the cell Agents chemically damage DNA and RNA They disrupt replication of the DNA and either totally halt replication or cause synthesis of nonsense DNA or RNA i e the new DNA or RNA does not code for anything useful Examples of drugs in this class 7 include cisplatin Platinol antibiotics daunorubicin Cerubidine doxorubicin Adriamycin and etoposide VePesid Effect the synthesis or breakdown of the mitotic spindles Mitotic spindles serve as molecular railroads with North and South Poles in the cell when a cell starts to divide itself into two …

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Week 11 DNA

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 8
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