ELMHURST CHM 103 - Amino Acid
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 18

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Amino Acids Amino Acids Amino Acids Amino Acids Properties of Amino Acids Ques 4 Use the above structures to answer the questions below a Which amino acid is most polar b Which amino acid is least polar c Which amino acid has an acidic side chain d Which amino acid has a basic side chain Properties of Amino Acids Ques 5 Use the below structures to answer the questions a Which amino acid is most polar b Which amino acid is least polar c Which amino acid is the most polar looking at thr and ser d Which amino acid is the least polar looking at asp and glu Amino Acids Zwitterion acid and amine react with each other internally Amino Acids Increasing pH pH pK pH Acids HA molecular A ionic Bases BH ionic B molecular Amino Acids Increasing pH pH pK pH Acids HA molecular A ionic Bases BH ionic B molecular Amino Acids Increasing pH pH pK pH Acids HA molecular A ionic Bases BH ionic B molecular Amino Acids Separations of Amino Acids Amino Acids Increasing pH pH pK pH Acids HA molecular A ionic Bases BH ionic B molecular Mixture of val pI 6 asp pI 2 8 lys pI 9 7 in a buffer at pH 6 What is the form of each O H3 N C CH O N H3 O C CH H3C CH3 val CH O CH2 asp OC H2C O N H3 N H3 CH2 H2 C CH CH2 lys O C O Reactions Amino Acids Salt Formation Acid amine salt acid donates H to amine Reactions Amino Acids Disulfide 2 thiols O disulfide HOH Synthesis of a peptide Amine acid amide HOH Synthesis of a peptide Amine acid amide HOH Synthesis of a peptide Write repeating units of backbone and add side chains

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Amino Acid

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 18
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