Ch 4 Perceiving Persons Part 1 Feb 9 2012 Social Perception Get info from people situations behavior We make quick 1st impressions of people Attempt to read traits from faces Baby faced vs mature features Is there an evolutionary need Situations Scripts Situations Behavior Use situational cues to interpret behavior Behavior social perception Derive meaning from physical behavior Includes nonverbal behavior 6 primary universal emotions what are they Facial expressions across cultures results Matsumoto s research results Face Recognition Emotion Evoluationary value to quick recognition Angry faces Attentional blink how does it work What are exceptions Nonverbal Behavior Importance of eye contact touch Interpretation of avoiding eye contact Differences in nonverbal cues across cultures Examples Detecting Deception Can we use this info to detect deception Facial versus body movements What leads to better accuracy Not much better than 50 50 chance see Table 4 2 in book Microexpression Research Paul Ekman s research What are microexpressions Examples of contempt disgust Apply to security screening situations these work High cognitive effort tasks how do Attributions Attribution explanation about a behavior Heider personal vs situational Attribution theories 1 Jones Correspondent Inference theory Infer from action what give the most info about the person 1 Did the person have a choice 2 Was the behavior expected 3 How many positive effects were there Attribution theories cont 2 Kelly s Covariation theory Attribute behavior to internal person or external situation based on 3 questions 1 Consensus 2 Distinctiveness 3 Consistency See fig 4 4 If low distinctiveness low consensus but high consistency which attribution Example If high distinctiveness high consensus but low consistency which attribution Example
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