ELMHURST CHM 103 - Amides
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 18

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Amides Amide Synthesis 13 Amide Synthesis Amine plus carboxylic acid amide HOH H3C O O NH2 HO C H3C CH3 CH3 N H H O C H H2O O O H H3C N H C CH3 O H H3C N H C CH3 Amides Amides Names of amides Amides in health Amides in health Hydrogen Bonding in Amides Hydrolysis of Amides Amide plus HOH amine carboxylic acid O O H3C H C N H H C H2 O H CH3 H2O O C C H2 CH3 H H3C N H Acid Hydrolysis of Amides Amide plus HOH amine carboxylic acid 2nd step neutralize amine with acid O O H3C C N H C H2 CH3 H2O H HCl H H O H H3C O H N C C H2 CH3 Cl H H H3C H N H Cl Action of Neutrotransmitters 1 NT released 2 NT interacts w receptor 3 or 4 NT released 5 NT restored or synthesized Adrenergic Neurotransmitters Adrenergic Stimulants Bronchodilators and Nasal Decongestants Adrenergic Blocking Agents or Antagonists Antihypertensive drugs Molecular vs Ionic acid base structure Acids Equilibrium HA H AForm molecular ionic If excess H shift left to molecular HA If excess OH shift right because H is neutralized as HOH this forms the ionic A Molecular vs Ionic acid base structure Bases Equilibrium B HOH BH OH Form molecular ionic If excess H shift right to ionic BH because OHis neutralized as HOH this forms the ionic BH If excess OH shift left to form the molecular B Molecular vs Ionic acid base structure Increasing pH pH pK pH Acids HA molecular A ionic Bases BH ionic B molecular Example acetic acid pKa 4 7 at pH 2 molecular at pH 10 ionic Ques 19 phenobarbitol acid pKa 7 2 At pH 7 4 about half ionic half molecular more soluble in lipid layer At pH 8 0 more in the ionic form and more insoluble in lipid layer

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Amides

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 18
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