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PHIS 206 1st Edition Lecture 37 Outline of Last Lecture I Reproductory System II Secondary Characteristics III Male IV Female V Temperature Maintained VI History VII Testes into Scrotum VIII Effects of Testosterone IX Male Secondary Sex Characteristics X Testosterone Anabolic Effect XI Gonadotropins XII Puberty XIII Ovaries XIV Ovarian Cycle XV Hypothalamus XVI Uterine menstrual cycle Outline of Current Lecture I Proliferative Phase II Week After Ovulation III 1 Uteran Cycle IV Placenta V Milk Production VI Hypothalamic Secretion of Prolactin Releasing Hormone Current Lecture I Proliferative Phase High levels of estrogen affects uterus 2 Parts of Uterus we are concerned with in this class myometrium increase of receptors endometrium increase vascularization of glycogen o gets bigger continues beyond ovulation high levels of estrogen decrease progesterone decreases During ovulation prostaglandins secreted throughout uterus These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V VI in uterus shuts down blood supply in endometrium causes contraction in myometrium st 1 day of flow Day 1 in Uteran Cycle Ovarian Cycle 7 days after ovulation ovarian causes uteran cycle Week After Ovulation new follicular phase begins age 40 45 follicles run out menopause 1 Uteran Cycle 100 mL half a can of Coke blood loss Placenta if ovum is fertilized and finds its way through the duct placenta highly vascularized no mixing of maternal fetal blood fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than maternal hemoglobin blood supply mixes complications of incompatible blood types come in placenta secretes chorionic gonadotrpoin HCG HCG stimulates secretion of estrogen progesterone throughout pregnancy o prevents endometrium from degenerating Milk Production pregnancy high production of estrogen stimulates production of Prolactin Prolactin HCG stimulate production of glands to produce milk release of milk is separate Prolactin stores milk Oxytocin typically secreted in large amounts during near delivery time causes release of milk Hypothalamic Secretion of Prolactin Releasing Hormone reflex can be inhibited by stress milk release can be conditioned besides suckling

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VCU PHIS 206 - Reproduction Continued

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