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PHIS 206 1st Edition Lecture 27 Outline of Last Lecture I Oral Cavity II Chewing Chewing Reflex III Saliva Salivary Glands IV Stimulation of salivary Secretion V Control of Salivary Secretion VI Pharynx and Esophagus VII Swallowing VIII Esophageal Phase IX Stomach Stomach Anatomy X Motility Filling XI Motility Stomach Peristalsis XII Gastric Emptying XIII Vomiting XIV Gastric Exocrine Secretions XV Phases of Gastric Secretion Outline of Current Lecture I Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes II Secretion Exocrine Pancreas III Pancreatic Lipase IV Three Phases of Postprandial Pancreatic Secretion V Major Functions of the Liver VI Bile Control of Bile Secretions VII Removing Gallbladder VIII Steatorrhea IX Gastric Bypass Surgery Current Lecture I II Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes Protein Digestion o Protein proteases small peptides Carbohydrate Digestion o Carbohydrate pancreatic amylase maltose Fat Digestion o Fat triglycerides pancreatic lipase monoglycerides free fatty acids Secretion Exocrine Pancreas These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV Proteolytic enzymes secreted as inactive precursors Trypsinogen chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidase How they are activated Trypsinogen is activated into trypsin by an enzyme on of the small intestine Pancreatic amylase active when secreted Pancreatic Lipase Fat digestion Secreted in active form Three Phases of Postprandial Pancreatic Secretion Cephalic 25 of pancreatic response Gastric 10 Intestinal 50 75 V Major Functions of the Liver Metabolism process nutrients after absorption Detoxification degrade substances body wastes toxins hormones Storage glycogen fats vitamins minerals nutrients Bile production storage bile duct duodenum VI Bile Control of Bile Secretions Formula for Bile Water 85 Bile salts 10 Mucus and bilirubin 3 Fats 1 Inorganic salts 0 7 Cholesterol 0 3 Bile secretion in the liver Bile salts are reabsorbed into the liver and cause more secretion of bile in return feedforward mechanism Secretin increases alkaline aq secretion Vagus nerve increases bile cephalic phase Removal from gallbladder Presence of fat in chyme in causes CCK release CCK contracts the gallbladder and relaxes sphincter of Oddi Removing Gallbladder To treat gallstones or gallbladder disease Not essential Bile can be stored in bile duct VII VIII Steatorrhea gallbladder removal decreased bile secretion decreased pancreatic enzyme secretion Olestra Orlistat IX Gastric Bypass Surgery Before Surgery Regular stomach No pouch After Surgery Stomach bypassed Pouch

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VCU PHIS 206 - GI: Intestines, Liver, Pancreas

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