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PHIS 206 1st Edition Lecture 28 Outline of Last Lecture I Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes II Secretion Exocrine Pancreas III Pancreatic Lipase IV Three Phases of Postprandial Pancreatic Secretion V Major Functions of the Liver VI Bile Control of Bile Secretions VII Removing Gallbladder VIII Steatorrhea IX Gastric Bypass Surgery Outline of Current Lecture I Small Intestine II Motility a Segmentation b Peristalsis c Muscularis Mucosa Contraction d Migrating Motility Motor Complex III Secretion IV Digestion V Further Digestion of Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats VI Absorption VII Diarrhea Current Lecture I Small Intestine Major Site for Digestion Major Site for Absorption II Motility a Segmentation primary pattern during feeding mixing of chyme with digestive juices for digestion chyme comes into contact with mucosal surfaces for absorption b Peristalsis short distances chyme pushed towards large intestine These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute mixed in with segmentation c Muscularis Mucosa Contraction contractions of muscle like cells helps pulls nutrients from submucosal into the capillaries villi may move d Migrating Motility Motor Complex initial housekeeper main motility between meals from stomach to small intestine short distances dies out starts again where it stopped hormone motilin may be involved III Secretion alkaline solution aq with mucus but NO enzymes enzymes on the brush border of small intestine NOT secreted increased osmolarity cause the release watery secretions IV Digestion Few enzymes synthesized by the small intestines Enterokinase activates trypsinogen Disaccharidases maltase sucrase lactase Aminopeptidases many V Further Digestion of Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Carbohydrates broken down by Disaccharidases enter epithelium as monosaccharides Proteins can be transported as peptides or amino acids must be amino acids to exit membrane and enter blood Fats no digestion past monoglycerides free fatty acids required for absorption intracellular triglycerides reformed and packaged into chylomicrons to enter lymphatic system NOT blood Absorption Volume absorbed by small intestine per day 9000 mL 9L Diarrhea passage of fluid fecal material can lead to metabolic acidosis loss of bicarbonate Causes bacterial or viral infection increasing motility excess of osmotically active particles lactose bacterial toxins VI VII

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VCU PHIS 206 - Small Intestine

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