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PHIS 206 1st Edition Lecture 33 Outline of Last Lecture I Thyroid Gland II 2 Thyroid Hormones III Follicular Cells IV T4 v T3 V Major Effect of Thyroid Hormone VI Anabolic Processes VII Fat Mobilizing VIII Thyroid Hormone IX TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone X TRH XI Causes of Hypothyroidism XII Symptoms of Hypothyroidism XIII Causes of Hyperthyroidism XIV Symptoms Effects of Grave s Disease XV Another Cause of Hyperthyroidism XVI Goiter Outline of Current Lecture I Adrenal Glands II Adrenal Cortex III Glucocorticoids IV Function of Aldosterone V Cortisol VI Sex Hormones Dehydroepiandrosterone VII Hypersecretion of Aldosterone VIII Hypersecretion of Glucocorticoids IX DHEA Hypersecretion X Control XI Hyposecretion in Adrenal Cortex XII Adrenal Medulla XIII Effects of Epinephrine Norepinephrine in Circulation XIV Disorder of Catecholamine Secreting Tumor Current Lecture I Adrenal Glands adrenal on kidney These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 2 parts inner medulla and outer cortex II Adrenal Cortex secretes steroids fat soluble secreted as synthesized diffuse into target cells 3 Layers zona glomerulosa mineralocorticoids aldosterone zona fascicular Glucocorticoids cortisol zona reticularis sex steroids DHEA III Glucocorticoids influence metabolism of organic compounds IV Function of Aldosterone promotes reabsorption of Na and secretion of K in distal convoluted tubule increase body Na levels which increases fluid volume and plasma volume primary stimulus angiotensin promotes release of aldosterone in kidneys V Cortisol stimulates liver stimulates breakdown of protein into amino acids maintains plasma levels of amino acids and glucose inhibits glucose intake by most tissues except the brain VI Sex Hormones Dehydroepiandrosterone no function in men b c less of it than testosterone VII Hypersecretion of Aldosterone depresses K increases arterial pressure result from tumor or excess levels of angiotensin VIII Hypersecretion of Glucocorticoids Cushing s Syndrome elevated plasma glucose levels fatty deposits on face and stomach moon face muscle wasting loss of collagen backbone of bones o poorly healing wounds o fragile bones IX DHEA Hypersecretion in women Hirsutism male pattern hair development increased muscle definition narrower hips breast reduction can suppress female sex hormones irregular menstrual cycle deep voice in pre puberty boys precocious puberty voice deepens muscle definition hair thickening looks like puberty but is not not developing mature sperm cannot become father X Control glucocorticoid control of pituitary anterior pituitary negative feedback XI Hyposecretion in Adrenal Cortex Addison s Disease generalized atrophy adrenal cortex dies Hyposecretion hyposecretes steroids Glucocorticoids cortisol etc cortisol reduction reduced level of response to stress not lethal DHEA reduction no threat aldosterone reduction life threatening o plasma volume so low that within two weeks life gone in the past o now treatable with steroids o before treat with high salt intake Adrenal Medulla sympathetic pathways CNS pre ganglionic post ganglionic target cells release of norepinephrine onto cell adrenal medulla norepinephrine epinephrine hormones secretes sympathetic stimuli catecholamines produced ratio of 4 1 epinephrine norepinephrine secreted directly into circulation o endocrine cells NOT nerve cells adrenal medullary cells store and synthesize norepinephrine epinephrine in granules also known as chromaffin granules great affinity for colors chromaffin granules cells loaded with chromaffin granules chromaffin cells XII XIII Effects of Epinephrine Norepinephrine in Circulation increased heart rate stroke volume arterial pressure sympathetically stimulated flight or fight initial response is from sympathetic nervous system increases secretion by adrenal medulla gradual coming back to normal clearing norepinephrine and epinephrine initial neural response prolong endocrine response increase circulating levels of glucose fat disorder of adrenal medulla virtually unknown XIV Disorder of Catecholamine Secreting Tumor pheochromocytoma tumor that secretes epinephrine norepinephrine so increased levels of catecholamine high blood pressure elevated pulse large plasma levels

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VCU PHIS 206 - Adrenals

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