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PHIS 206 1st Edition Lecture 36 Outline of Last Lecture I We Regulate 3 Hormones for Plasma II Plasma Calcium Levels III Parathyroid Hormone IV Bones V Parathyroid Hormone in Kidneys VI Parathyroid Hormone in Intestines VII Control of Parathyroid VIII Calcitonin IX Vitamin D X Normal Plasma Calcium Levels XI Deficiency in Vitamin D Calcium Parathyroid Hormone XII Parathyroid Hormone Disorders XIII Vitamin D Deficiency XIV Fracture Bones Outline of Current Lecture I Reproductory System II Secondary Characteristics III Male IV Female V Temperature Maintained VI History VII Testes into Scrotum VIII Effects of Testosterone IX Male Secondary Sex Characteristics X Testosterone Anabolic Effect XI Gonadotropins XII Puberty XIII Ovaries XIV Ovarian Cycle XV Hypothalamus XVI Uterine menstrual cycle Current Lecture I Reproductory System Function to create another organism These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V VI VII VIII Primary organs ovaries produce estrogen progesterone testes produce testosterone Also includes Reproductory tract accessory glands Secondary Characteristics body contours distribution of hair Male produce deliver sperm testes suspended in a sac of skin temperature below normal approx 92 F sperm won t survive much above 94 F 95 F sex glands that secrete into duct Female bring sperm and ovary together maintain and deliver embryo provide nourishment fertilization egg sperm together Temperature Maintained muscles bring testes close to body when ready to cool reflexive mechanism History late 19th and early 20th century male sits on steam radiator to kill sperm to prevent pregnancy Testes into Scrotum 2 months before birth promoted by testosterone sometimes 1 or both testes remain undescended induced by testosterone cryptochordism undescended testes sterile remains in body cavity 75 mass of testes consists of seminiderous tubules produce sperm 25 mass of testes consists of interstitial Leydig Cells produce testosterone diffuses into high concentrations into tubules Effects of Testosterone maturation of rep system w o testosterone Female mother has no masculinizing hormone in circulation fetus will develop into female masculinization by release of testosterone masculinizes rep tract testes descend at birth secretion of testosterone stops until puberty age IX X XI XII XIII XIV testosterone during puberty causes growth and maturation of rep system Male Secondary Sex Characteristics response to secretion of testosterone beard growth deep voice body hair muscle definition castrated male no facial hair castrated before puberty eunuch no adult male characteristics does not mature sexually Testosterone Anabolic Effect promotes protein synthesis muscle development bone growth ultimately terminates bone growth stimulant for long bones decalcifies cartilage of long bones in the long run cartilaginous growth areas calcifies adult height reached for boys during puberty Gonadotropins LH ludinizing hormone stimulates interstitial cells to secrete testosterone FSH follicle stimulating hormone for sperm Puberty LH and FSH low before puberty At puberty gonadotropin hormones secreted trigger at hypothalamus hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin secreting hormone pituitary secretes LH and FSH Ovaries when girls enter puberty oscillate b w 2 states follicular phase luteral phase interrupted by pregnancy enter luteral phase trigger for puberty hypothalamus secretes larger amounts of gonadotropin mentrual cycle approx every 28 days Ovarian Cycle primary follicle O site surrounded by layer of cells called granulose cells granulose cells proliferate forms a little cyst fluid inside cyst follicular cells secrete estrogen o estradiol major estrogen o some go into circulation o but most in fluid that forms follicles o 1 follicle will grow faster than others known as graafian follicle reward it gets to die it ruptures and releases into body cavity called ovum XV XVI marks end of Flooicular Phase ovulation ruptured follicle will release progesterone and other compounds some become yellow known as corpus glutium yellow body corpus glutium does not implant no pregnancy if implanted corpus glutium maintained follicular phase high circulating levels of estrogen luteral phase high progesterone low estrogen Hypothalamus LH and FSH involved surge in plasma LH levels triggers ovulation maintained during pregnancy Uterine menstrual cycle effect of estrogen and progesterone amounts to responses of uterus to these changes

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VCU PHIS 206 - Reproduction

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