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-elite group of ex-slave soldiers were in charge. -were purchased by wealthy people. lived in strict environment with strict education. seen as trustworthy. released after training. -powerful in Egypt
Napoleon Bonaparte
went to egypt in 1798 and overthrew mamluks. -Cairo had been sympathetic to him -150 people under. some stayed in Cairo and some went to Egypt to collect info. -in 1860s. forced to give some freedoms in france.
Mehmet Ali
-albanian -had mamluks killed -emphasized and carried out western reforms 5 major powers of europe (russia, britain, france, austria and paris). guaranteed indépendance of smaller countries tried to undo what french revolution did in ottoman empire. power hungry. killed many in 1811…
Congress of Vienna
-1815. division of territory and something about french revolution. hoped to avoid another conflict, like one in 1800-1815. The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napol…
-demanded change to former monarchy, in france.
French Revolution
-showed people that it's possible for them to change their government -made people question the world -mehmet ali tried to undo the revolution's effects -1830, second french revolution -1870. french republic est
Industrial Revolution
-egypt went under enormous change in approx 1815. no longer under ottoman control, had been since 1517. -europe dealt w uprisings in 17th century -inspired new political ideas -lead to vienna settlement in _____ -spread from england to britain to continent to world -goal: long lasti…
-the people who went in and destroyed textile factories -resist new types of technology -aug 1819. illegal political meeting in manchester. 11 people died in chaos. "peter lou massacre" -6th acts. restricted right of press and prevented private meetings.
-1830. liverpool railway opened. william huskenson. killed by train but people still rode it. trains could now carry 110 passengers and freight. every city in england was now trying to make their own railway. -1840s. doubled amount of railroads in europe. -by 1850, there was 24,000 mile…
-in contrast to classicism -emotion and imagination -mary shelly- author of frankenstein -beethoven- best music in romanticism. impression of growth/development -folk legions, folk songs- showed modernization in germany -norways developed new language w less danish influence -1820s.…
Tsar Nicholas I
-1825, old tsar died and nicholas replaced him. ruled for 30 years. 3rd section, spied on enemies w police force. -greeks wanted to separate from Ottoman Empire -serbs became independent from Ottoman Empire in 1817. 1820s there were uprisings and the greeks killed those who didn't escap…
Queen Caroline Affair
Great Britain and relationship to the monarch. First time people publicly protested. King wanted to divorce wife, caused backlash with the British public, women in particular. king george tried to prevent caroline from being owned caroline died a few months after george's coronation the…
-one of three perspectives (liberalism, socialism and conservatism) -middle ground -john locke, 1700s. encouraged people to think about rulers and people who were ruled in a different way. said gvmt was formed by a mutual agreement by people and social contract created with natural rig…
Jeremy Bentham:
an English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer. He is regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism. -liberal -utilitarianism (best gvmt policy that impacted the most people for good) -government decisions should benefit most people -sought reform in education -tried to help …
-criticized liberals -society should be recognized bc of changes from industrial revolution. utopian societies. criticized industrial order (bc it divided people into classes and that destroyed harmony)
Robert Owen
-elite/ noble. english. socialist. -owned factory. purchased cotton mill in 1800. children didn't work until age 10. new harmony est in indiana in ____. began national trade union in england
Claude Henri Saint-Simon
-elite/ noble. socialist. concerned w impact of industrialization. coined term. work is most central element and gvmt should not govern this. people rotated tasks in small communities. -died in 1825 and cult (saint simonians) est major movement after 1830
-saint simon's cult. after he died, they est a major movement in 1830. -early socialist in france -utopian communities, equality of the sexes -male and female pope to continue his legacy
-caused people to view their religion differently. -people get to identify from identifying with a nation -any of three perspectives. long lasting and potent bc lots of people and variety. -nations defined by shared religion, language and ______ -klemens von matternich wanted to end n…
Klemens von Metternich
-Austrian minister of foreign affairs. wanted to quash nationalism movements. worked until 1840s. conservative. liked monarchy. created secret police. caused nationalists to spring into action. -early 1800s, secret societies increased. italy's had 100,000s of members. german students wen…
"cult of domesticity"
-made women shift towards buying instead of making. mainly in 1800s in england. were told to make homes homey. caused ideas of gender roles. men seen as rational and dominant. women seen as submissive and nurturing. women became part of world. -women stay at home while men did the work …
-kickstarted the revolution. (3x more energy than steam). abundant in england. -wood was the main fuel source, but high demand and hard to transport bc expensive so coal used instead -in 1712 steam engine began to utilize coal in trains in england and had almost endless power.
Steam engine
-invented by james watt
Erasmus Darwin
-charles darwin's grandfather. involved in lunar society in 1760s. met at full moons. made flushing toilet and steam chariot. matthew bolton was leader of lunar society.
James Watt
industrial revolution in england. Invented the steam engine
Soho Manufactory
was an early factory which pioneered mass production on the assembly line principle, in Soho, Birmingham, England, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution -first steam powered manufacturing factory in birmingham
-London -Soho factory -industrialized quickly
Academy of Science
-Enlightenment period -English government sponsors a science academy in england
-the early british colonies in caribbean,center of sugar raising empire
-became britain's leading export in 1890s.
Josiah Wedgewood
-PERFECTED PRODUCTION OF CHINA -created "queens ware". tea set for queen. -perfected mass production of china
-similar to mamluks -trained by sultan -elite infantry in Ottoman empire -secret army -had lots of power in 1600s. could influence gvmt or become merchants. -became corrupt. revolted and locked up sultan. -killed everyone in family except mehmud (?) -abdul mahid ordered attack on …
The Tanzimat
-"reorganizations" -released an edit written by his father that had several reforms and this changed life but angered nationalists. -developed roads and railroads. -1848 revolutions OE -ottoman empire in line with western lines
Imperial Rescript
-19th century -reforms in the ottoman empire, changed the rights of christians and jews. Very unusual for empires at that time to have religious freedom.
-in OE. present day iran. had lots of pressure to westernize. attempted in late 18th century. -only region outside arabian peninsula that never joined OE -large diversity -dealt w encroachment of russia. russia believed they could control all of M east -teron. city in mountains. becam…
-religion founded in persia -prophet who said he was related to the Bab -mainly in persia. emphasis for peace and unity. 7 mil people today. large in iran, panama and persia. -jizya. christian and jewish tax. paid for protection and ability to practice their religion. dues were approx…
Khedive Ismail
-ran up egypt's debt -ruler of egypt. tried to end slavery. used lots of public money to try to impress europe (suez canal construction). spent lots of money on parties and events ($300 mill on parties). redesigned neighborhoods to have european style. -during the cotton boom he tried …
Lord Cromer
-oversaw finances for next 25 years in egypt -increased taxes and decreased debt -"regenerator of egypt" -egyptians didn't like him. he only hired people from europe, not from egypt.
mosque- center of learning for muslim men -cairo -key symbol of islam -thousands of years old site of muslim teachings in egypt -french wore shoes in mosque and egyptians turned against them
Charles Dickens
-best author during this time period -product of new european society -had chapters in newspaper monthly -themes mainly: effects of industrialization -saw writings and political reform go hand in hand
-early form of photography. used to show impacts of industrialization. - thought would replace photogrpahy
The Sunday School Movement
-in 1851. more than half of the children under age 15 went to sunday school regularly (only opportunity to get an education). -1833 in france. every town required to have elementary school for boys. girls were optional. 1 in every 30 were educated. -1840 in prussia. 75% of children wen…
-starvation act. 1834 in GB. an attempt to reduce the cost of public welfare. people were sent to workhouses. unpleasant places. men, women and children were separate. women wanted children with them. a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employm…
-mainly used in china. they then banned use and trade in 1839. british bribed for the right to sell it. -1842. treaty of nanking. allowed 5 ports, instead of 1. (in china or hong kong?) -british paid hong kong to trade opium with them
-1830. france invaded. -population reduced to 20% bc french brought in new diseases. -beginning of scramble for africa
The Communist Manifesto
-written by Karl Marx. -embraced industrialization bc thought working class would overthrow upper class and cause a revolution. -foundation for socialism
The February Revolution
-1848 -First revolution in 1848 that spurred other revolutions around Europe -it was a french revolution
The Jhansi Rebellion
-in india. -1857. indian troops (muslims and hindus) rebelled against britian bc they ignored their religious practices. declared independence of india. -traditional leader of idian region died, Britain moved in and tried to take over and gain authority -people revolted against Britis…
Taiping Rebellion
-in china. "heavenly kingdom". -bound together by king. -chinese wanted to go west, but weren't allowed. those who went west were killed. -controlled almost half of china
Meiji Restoration
-in japan. to adopt changes. adopted them so that W couldn't take advantage and encroach too much. leader given full power. enlightenment. all classes will help economy. -japan allowed some trade with dutch. this gave them knowledge of happenings of asia and china. -shogan. head of sta…
The "scramble for Africa"
-egypt and algeria interest lead to desire for whole continent. -Ethiopia. only free country until overtaken in 1930 by italy. -slave trade reduced. -mainly controlled by europe. French control mainly in Western countries -advances in technology made it easy for europe to conquer. -…
-malaria treatment. -this and guns are the biggest helps to europe's conquest.
Crimean War
-1853-1856. started between Russia and Ottoman Empire then France and Great Britain came in. -oct 1853. Ottoman Empire and Russian war. Russia won in early part but France and Great Britain united to fight off Russia. -sept 1854. year long battle to control military base. -750,000 die…
Florence Nightingale
-nurse in crimean war. est modern profession of nursing. born in florence in 1812. wealthy and spoke many languages. -1854. (sydney herbert) -prime minister - brought florence to war w his connections. wasn't really accepted for her to go but he brought her. -in hospital she wrote lett…
hospital for injured british troops .knightendale ,reporting on conditions and reactions of war
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
-said ownership is robbery. workshops to replace gvmt and called mutualism. -1st anarchist
-created by Mikhail Bakunin, a noble russian. said the state was there to infringe on our freedom and thats wrong and so he created anarchism.
marxism. rational approach. liberal. books that describes his views. said work is needed to get things. and relationships are based on work needed (materialism). -written by Karl Marx -relationships in the world are economic ones
The Paris Commune
-1871 struggle. - a revolution -1870s. people demanded more liberty -1870-1871 winter. bad. food supply blocked from war. people demanded right to vote. -commune: march 28, 1971. to fight against gvmt. existed for 2 months. promised equality to liberate workers and men and women equa…
The "woman incendiary"
-radical experiment blamed on women. -executions and deportations. -era of bike, phone, typewriter and combustion engine. -1891. car w gas engine made. -1889. eiffel tower made.
Department stores
-different way for people to shop. -"marble palaces" and "8th wonder of world" -aimed at middle and upper class women -no longer able to barter. but sales happen sometimes. -public transportation. women would go w out male escorts.
Mary Seacole
-went to war along with Florence -black woman -traveled to many places. -sold food and goods to support herself and hospitals. -wanted to be at crimean war and got there in 1855. -financially devastated and poor by the time she was finished. -wrote her own bibliography.
Tsar Alexander II
-in russia. -brought about reforms to avoid a revolution: -1861, 47 million serfs emancipated. -est judicial system bc nobility no longer in charge of surfs -est local and regional gvmt. allowed nobility to still control surfs -people saw his changes as beneficial -surfs didn't hav…
people who didn't believe in/ value anything nobility who rejected values they had been raised under
Otto von Bismarck
-1884. est G control over many parts of africa. -1884-1885. conference between competing countries. divided amongst selves to create new nations. banned alcohol and gun sales to foreigners. -went to assembly of german states in 1851 -1862. king of prussia named him prime minister of pr…
Black War (Tasmania)
5000 native people vs british. lead to the death of all aboriginal people in tasmania
Shark Island
-The impact of colonization on tasmanians -tasmanian natives relocated here in an effort to control them and put down the rebellion. first concentration camp
-false "science" to support social darwinism (skull measurements and biology)
The Gilded Age
-late 19C in USA; concentration of wealth, and rise of big business -many positive developments but also hid huge problems
The Spanish-American War
-fought in cuba, guam, puerto rico, and the philippines. conflict entirely fabricated by journalists, businessmen, and politicians. america became a world power after taking territory from spain. spain lost all remaining colonies. more than 1 million men volunteered to fight, as army was …
The Yellow Press
-sensationalized press, very exaggerated -exaggerated stories in Cuba*
Ghost Dance
-led to the battle of wounded knee -religious revival of Native Americans -ritual that was supposed to expel the white man from native american lands
The Maine
the boat (American placed in Cuban harbor) that was sunk (know now boiler exploded but thought it was sabotage at the time) outside Cuba and blamed on the Spanish
Queen Liliuokalani -hawaiian queene
wrote a new constuition power to her. businessmen deposed her, claiming they were restoring order. she left without a fight, but later plotted a revolt. 20,000 out of 39,000 native hawaiians signed a petition against annexation, that was ignored when mckinley came to power.
Teddy Roosevelt
-in progressive party
The Progressive Era
-war was seen as an ability to change things -production now the focus -ww1 changed the way americans and europeans viewed western society. believed things were progressing. -teddy in progressive party -wilson supported ideals
The Monroe Doctrine
-Written by James Monroe. U.S. foreign policy regarding domination of the American continent in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.
The Panama Canal
-had to separate panama from columbia. engineered uprisings in panama. US stopped colombian military from entering panama. newly freed panama gave the US ownership of a 10 mile strip around the canal. built by caribbean migrants, completed in 1914, lowered mosquito population. 1970 presi…
"Dollar Diplomacy"
-crested by William Howard TAFT (teddy's successor) -foreign involvement but less obviously -protect american investments over seas -carribean, _____ and liberia
Woodrow Wilson
-took office in 1912. got only 12% of vote but got office. -"new freedom". wanted lots of reforms and followed progressive ideals. domestic policy. -brought religious/missionary aspect -wanted to change banking and split up _____ -new approach to diplomacy. william jennings brian (hi…
Moral imperialism
Americans have the moral responsibility to spread the democratic system to other parts of the world
- 1916 civil war began bc US marines were in vera cruz (historically important). pancho villa (ruler of rebels) killed ____ americans (probs not important) and 10,000 US soldiers sent to mexico -americans landed there and were completely rejected
The Lusitania
-sank in 1915. GB passenger ship. 12,000 killed. -wilson wrote letter and secretary (william jennings brian) resigned for fear war would begin.
The Fourteen Points
-wilson -said nations should not have secret agreements, but this happened w treaty of versailles. people ignored his 14 points but esc league of nations. goal of world peace. E europe reorganized. -1916. B and F decided to split up territory amongst themselves. went against 14 points.…
Treaty of Versailles
-secret agreement. -1918. wilson went for peace conference. declared US to be crusaders in ww1. mainly a peace maker between rulers. brought about social changes mainly in europe destabilized europe. caused separation of austria and hungry. dramatically reduced size of hungary. broke …
creation of jewish state. zionists typically were not jews. wanted jewish homeland in palestine political movement for jewish homeland jews were rich in faith but poor. tsar denied them more land. (which tsar?). had little meaning to people in 19th cent. meaning inc in 20th cent.
David Lloyd George
-PM of GB. not upper class. uncommon of rulers. -introduced benefits for poor. -inability to grasp foreign affairs. bad for PM. -goals were selfish. protect B trade, empire and create balance of power.
Georges Clemenceau
-had to deal with a devestated country. northern france held most industry and agriculture. after war, nothing grew. 25% of french men 18-30 died. became prime minister in 1917, watched paris starve, and spent his entire political and military career fighting germany. wanted to ensure ger…
-feb 26,1919. asked for a homeland and state created in ____. -1890s. attacked. 1.5 mill dead. -turks ordered them to be exported (out of where?). -US raised money to help them but didn't help much. -nansen helped them get a homeland
Pan-African Congress
-came in 1919 paris peace conference, lead by american duboius, a nationalist movement in africa for self determination
League of Nations
-US idea -many people supported league -goal is to respect boundaries -able to impose sanctions and military force, and end disputes between nations. -advanced nations provided guidance to those not able to do things on their own 1918-1946. then UN came after -by 1946 had 60 nation…
Fridtjof Nansen
scientist and explorer. developed method used today to get to N and S poles. norweigan rep of League of Nations 1922. league made him high commissioner of refugees
Nansen Passport
legal document given out to refugees nansen convinced 50 nations to accept this form of ID many refugees from OE and AH (bc they didn't exist anymore) helped armenians get their own homeland
-wealthier peasants resisting collectivization. would rather destroy their crops, buildings, and animals than give them back to the government. stalin ordered their "liquidation of a class", and as a result, millions were arrested, executed or starved. this was stalin's attempt to elimina…
Josef Stalin
-1879-1953. ruled the communist party of russia from 1922 to 1953 right after lenin. created a totalitarian state, famous for his purges; cruel, tyrannical and evil.
Vladimir Lenin
-russians revere him as the "father of the bolshevik revolution". lead an armed revolt; overthrew the provisional government of russia in 1917. signed the treaty of brestlitovsk to end the fighting between russia and germany in 1918. introduced the new econmic policy in 1921. began a poli…
First Five Year Plan
-communist party created industries and cities from scratch and trained peasants to work in factories mines, and office. industrialization hastened environmental changes.

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