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Galactose is a disaccharide found in milk. t/f
In general, lowly heritable traits exhibit a greater amount of heterosis than highly heritable ones. t/f
Sex cells contain a haploid number of chromosomes. t/f
The main site of water absorption in the sow is the large intestine. t/f
Carbohydrates and Lipids are the only nutrients that provide energy to the animal.
The genotype of an animal is the result of the phenotype + the environment.
A terminal cross breeding program has more heterosis compared to a rotational cross breeding program.
An expected progeny difference (EPD) is a prediction of an animal's transmitting ability. t/f
A mature ewe will drink between 10-13 gallons of water per day. t/f
Both cattle and horses have no essential vitamin A, D, or E requirements. t/f
Selection changes gene frequency. t/f
Roughages like clovers and Bermuda grass are poor sources of energy and fiber. t/f
Most economically important traits are qualitative traits. t/f
Amylase is in the saliva and aids in the digestion of starch. t/f
The major effect of in breeding is to increase the number of pairs of heterozygous alleles at homologous gene sites. t/f 
Glycogen and starch are polysaccharides that contain glucose molecules connected by Beta 1-4 linkages. t/f
Approximatley60-75% of the annual costs of livestock production go towards providing feed to the animals. t/f 
Epistasis is the interaction between genes at different loci. t/f
A cow that is fed unsaturated fat will tend to deposit unsaturated fat in its body compared to a cow fed unsaturated fed saturated fat. t/f 
Chicken litter can serve as a source of non-protein nitrogen for cattle. t/f
List 10 essential amino acids. (MATT HILL VP)
Methionine Arginine Threonine Tryptophan Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Valine Phenylalanine
In DNA, the nitrogenous bases ______ and _______ bind together and _____ and ______ bind together.
Adenine and Thymine Guanine and Cytosine
The two main feed stuffs used in beef cattle feedlot rations and throughout the swine industry are _______ as a source of protein and _______ as a source of energy.
Soybeans Corn
During the digestive process proteins are broken down into _____ ______, triglycerides to glycerol and ______ ______, and carbohydrates to __________ which are absorbed in the digestive tract.
amino acids fatty acids monosaccharide's
The three enzymes secreted by the pancreas that aid in the digestion of proteins are:
carboxypeptidase, trysin, and chymotysin.
_____ _______ is a form of inbreeding which a grandsire is mated to his granddaughter in order to increase the possibility of desirable alleles in the offspring.
Line Breeding
If the % nitrogen in a feed is 3.6%, then the crude protein percent of the feed is ____%?
22.50% (%CP=%N*6.25)
The amount of genetic process through a selection can be quantified as _____.
H^2 * S.D. (heritability)(heritability)*(selection differential)
In RNA the nitrogenous base _____ replaces the nitrogenous base thymine which is found in DNA.
Digestion of fiber by microorganisms occurs in the ______ of the horse.
The portion of the small intestine that is the main sight of digestion and absorption is the ______.
Gregor Mendel's most significant contributions to the science of genetics were the discoveries of the principles of ________ ________ and _______.
Independent Assortment and Segregation
The three volatile fatty acids produced in the rumen and utilized for energy are _____ acetate, which contains two carbons: _______, which contains three carbons; and ________ which contains 4 atoms.
acetate propionate butyrate
The weaning rate ratio of a heifer whose weaning weight was equal to the herd average is ____.
_____ is an example of a micronutrient.
The three essential fatty acids are _____, _____, and _____.
lenoleic lenolinic arachadonic
A _______ allele will cover or limit the expression of the other alleles at the same locus.
_____ is the process of cell division where haploid cells are produced from diploid cells and _______ is the cell division process responsible for the growth of tissues.
Meiosis Mitosis
______ _____ is the term used to describe the relationship between amino acids and the requirements of its consumer.
Protein Quality
Animal products are excellent sources of __ vitamins.
_____ _____ is the system of mating individuals that are less closely related than the average animals in the population.
Cross Breeding
The type of gene action that is characterized by coat color in Shorthorn cattle where neither alleles is dominate is called a _______.
An inherited trait controlled by one or two genes is called a _____ _____.
qualitative trait
_________ is the term used to describe a nutrient that may be supplied in the diet or synthesized by the animal.
______ is defined as the increased performance of the crossbred offspring compared to the average of the purebred parents.
There are ___ kcal in 1.5 kg of lipids. (kg= 1,000g) There are 4 parts if the ruminant stomach: the _______, which secretes HCl and pepsin; the ______, which is the largest; the _______, referred to as the honeycomb and the _______, which is the primary site of water absorption.
abomasum rumen reticulum omasum

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