WSU HD 204 - Bids and Rituals in Families

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HD 204 1nd Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Relational Maintenance II Martial Relational Strategies III Gottman s Magic Ratio IV Maintenance in Other Family Relationships V Relational Currencies VI Types of Relational Currencies VII Meanings and Currencies VIII 5 Love Languages Outline of Current Lecture II Bids III Responding to Bids IV Gottman s Video V Rituals Current Lecture Bids o The way a person expresses what they need in that moment o Examples Do you like chocolate milkshakes A way to ask someone on a date A hug physical touch and connection You think to call me Bid for attention Hey could mean anything A sigh Indicator of unhappiness I m exhausted Need for relief a foot rub o Relationships commonly use bids o They are all symbolic Responding to Bids o Turning toward You look tired go lay down and I ll do it Noticing the bid and responding to it o Turn away Have you seen my jacket Response we need to buy milk Not noticing the bid or not mindful These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Not usually mean spirited but has a negative effect on a relationship o Turning against If you think I m going to do it your nuts Refusing bid Gottman s Video o Couples strive to score points in their relationship Rituals o Personal definition a repeated act which promotes comfort or tradition o Repeated behaviors or event that involve Communication symbolism Weddings and funerals emotion Baptism and graduation transformation Bachelor party and thanksgiving preparation o Serves as ongoing maintenance and relational functions in the family o Not all members have to participate o Not all are pleasant

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WSU HD 204 - Bids and Rituals in Families

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