ARHI 2300 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Arch of Titus II Spoils of Jerusalem III Triumph of Titus Outline of Current Lecture I Pantheon Roman Imperial 118 125 CE II Comparing and Contrasting the Parthenon and the Pantheon Current Lecture I Pantheon a Means all the gods pan all and theos gods i meant to honor all gods not just Roman ones ii Romans want to present themselves as a progressive and tolerant people 1 They don t make Christians monotheistic religions make offerings to Roman gods iii Pantheon symbolizes this tolerance b In 27 BCE Marcus Agrippa built the first Pantheon on the Campus Martius site i Marcus Agrippa wanted to present himself as tolerant and inclusive ii The first one was made of wood and burned down the second one was struck by lightening c Emperor Hadrian built the third Pantheon on the same site i Mars was the god of war this is the area where troops would gather and make offerings to gods before going off to war These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d e f g h i j k ii After the second Pantheon burned down people were superstitious so it took a while to build a third one 118 CE Romans conquered Spain and military leaders rose through the ranks now there are Spanish emperors this also shows tolerance of Romans i Hadrian Spanish wants to send message of tolerance he was one of the good emperors time of peace and prosperity Greek inspired portico and triangular pediment want to evoke the idea of the Golden Age of Greece i Corinthian columns acanthus leaves victory ii Walls kept noise of Rome out made this place more sacred iii Triumphal arch inspired troops that they would be victorious Originally there was a statue of Augustus on one side and a statue of Marcus Agrippa on the other i Agrippa was not an emperor but Hadrian want him to be remembered he gave good counsel ii Inscription Marcus Agrippa in my third term made this Dome adaptation of the arch this is one of the first domed spaces in the ancient world i Medium pozzolana ii Scriptural niches at the door Augustus and Agrippa iii Oculus huge open hole in the top of the dome you can see the sky and rain will come in 1 There is a draining system in the floor floor slopes downward 2 Connects the earthly world below to the heavens above 3 Oculus is a perfect circle 142 ft wide x 142 ft high i Created intersecting arches took ingenuity combines an arch rotated 360 degrees w concrete ii One of the wonders of the world at the time people came from around the Roman world to see it Light comes in like a giant sundial There are a number of different alters in there i My intentions had been that this sanctuary of all gods should reproduce the likeness of the hours as they make their rounds the disk of daylight rests suspended there like a shield of gold Prayers rise like smoke toward that void where we all place the gods Emperor Hadrian ii Originally the alter across from the door had a statue of Mars war of Venus love and Julius Caesar deified iii Other alters were dedicated to other Roman gods except for one that was left empty for all the gods that the Romans did not know 1 anyone was welcome here Might represent unity equality community inclusiveness of Rome II i Roman empire seemed endless like it would last forever Compare contrast the Parthenon and Pantheon a Could be an essay topic for a test b Differences between the types of columns c Compare the reason that they were built i Both were built to suggest unity ii Both have religious purposes 1 Parthenon was dedicated to Athena the goddess of war and wisdom and the patron goddess of new beginnings 2 Pantheon was dedicated to all of the gods iii Parthenon housed the treasury it had a specific secular function iv The Pantheon was on the field of Mars militaristic idea and it is also a civics history lesson about Augustus Agrippa Caesar etc d Romans weren t as interested in creating optical refinements the Pantheon is plain outside because all of the drama is inside e Pantheon is very approachable you don t have to make steep climb idea of inclusiveness f After the Parthenon was built the Greek city states were unhappy that all their money went to create a temple to Athena they eventually went to civil war with one another and Romans take over g After the Pantheon was built the one alter set aside for other gods causes trouble as Christianity starts to take over
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