WSU HD 204 - Communication and Rules

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HD 204 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Theories of Family Communication II Social Constructionism III Symbolic interaction IV Roles V Relational Dialectics VI Narrative Theory VII Family Systems Theory VIII Patterns Self regulation IX Interactive complexity Punctuation X Openness XI Complex relationships XII Equifinality XIII Limitations of Systems theory Outline of Current Lecture I Relational culture II Communication patterns III Beyond communication Rules IV Family Secrets These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Current Lecture I Relational culture a A private world of rules understandings meanings and patterns of acting and interpreting pg 81 b Emerges as families develop patterns of communication and systems of meaning c Family of origin influence II Communication patterns a Rules Emerge through interpreting and responding to family members messages Create meaning and define relationships Constituitive What is being communicated Regulative How and when it should be communicated b Rule formation Explicit directly stated and directly negotiated Implicit things you pick up on that aren t okay to do or say ex Giving someone the look Intergenerational transmission Ethnic background c Types of Rules What can be discussed How can it be discussed With whom can it be discussed Metarules rules about rules d Adapting Rules Flexibility Feedback Hierarchy e Importance of Rules III Provides predictability Helps coordinate shared meaning Sets limit of cohesion adaptability and boundaries Beyond communication Rules a Rules regulate and direct family life b Rules emerge from Family of origin Blending with partner Culture Trial and error conflict and resolution Finding what works to manage life c Purpose of Rules Accountability Boundaries Distance regulation cohesion Implementation Exceptions Violation d Managing rules IV Adaptability is helpful Developmental appropriateness Rule rigidity Disabling rules Implicitness is desirable Family Secrets a Secrets in Family life Secrets involve deliberately withholding information from one or more family members Interactions are shaped by how information is shared Secrets create and reinforce boundaries Can be damaging to family functions b Types of Secrets Sweet fun or surprise Essential Define and promote necessary boundaries Toxic Family secret that maintains harmful patterns or boundaries Ex Past sexual abuse Dangerous Putting someone in physical or emotional danger currently Ex Current drug use

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