UW-Milwaukee ART 100 - “Trompe I’ Oeil Painting and the Beginnings of Modernism; Aesthetic Perspectives”

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Art 100 14 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Current Lecture II Trompe I Oeil Painting III American Modernism Chicago Architecture Worlds Columbian Exposition Mary Cassat Two new approaches to painting at the turn of the 20th century Current Lecture Trompe I Oeil Painting and the Beginnings of Modernism Aesthetic Perspectives 1 After the Hunt 1885 William M Harnet Made by men for men Hyperrealism Sold in department stores not galleries 2 A Bachelors Drawer 1890 94 John Harberle Interested in the surface Largely painted by men for men 3 Monadnock Block 1889 91 Burnham J Root 4 Homw Insurance Building 1883 85 William Le Baron Jenney 3 and 4 The rise of Chicago Architecture Upward building saved money on real estate Land speculation rose by 700 between 1880 90 1871 fire destroyed downtown Chicago Absence of ornament 5 Court of Honor The Basin 1893 Daniel Chester French Neo classical 6 Barge of State or Triumph of Columbia 1893 Frederick MacMonnies Reproductions of the three ships Columbus sailed from Spain Extravagance was important New construction techniques used 7 Palace of Fine Arts 1893 Charles Atwood Later became the museum of science and industry in Chicago Only standing building from the Columbian Expedition 8 Transportation Building The Golden Door 1893 Dankmar Adler and Louis H Sullivn These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Typical combination of ornate detail with modernist structure based on simple elemental form 9 Lily Window 1893 Louis Comfort Tiffany Ball Lamp Favorable glass stain glass New types of glass developed to take advantage of the brilliance of electricity 10 Modern Woman 1893 Mary Cassat 11 The Bath 1892 Mary Cassat 12 Woman and Child Driving 1879 Mary Cassat Painted by a woman of women doing both traditional and untraditional things 13 Laughing Child 1907 Robert Henri Pushing towards abstraction 14 Shoppers 1908 William Glackens 15 Hester Street George Luks 1905 Jewish Neighborhood in NY 16 Both Members of this Club 1909 George Bellows Rise of a black boxer Jack Johnson Caused rioting nation wide 17 Rush Hour New York 1915 Max Weber Abstraction 18 Nature Symbolized 1911 Arthur Dove Abstraction Beauty in elemental form 19 Synchromy 1917 Stanton Macdonald Wright 20 Synchromy 1913 Morgan Russell 19 and 20 Exploring the purity of color

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UW-Milwaukee ART 100 - “Trompe I’ Oeil Painting and the Beginnings of Modernism; Aesthetic Perspectives”

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