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Raoul Deal rgdeal uwm edu Art 100 Required Paper Learning Object Due date Wednesday 4 13 2022 Word document must be submitted in the ASSIGNMENTS area in Canvas by 11 59pm on the date it is due Activities Explore the Required Paper Learning Object Overview S 22 linked to your Canvas HOME page Once you are ready to begin you should browse the artworks at the bottom of the page You ll notice that when clicking on a pair of images you ll be redirected to a page with only two artworks juxtaposed on your screen Select two of these pairings to compare and contrast This means that you will analyze a total of four works Organize your thoughts into a short paper 1000 word minimum Assignment Requirements 1 2 3 4 To compare and contrast TWO pairs of images for formal elements describe similarities and differences in appearance and content meanings you think the artist is trying to convey You must use at least five of the six aesthetic perspectives during the course of your analysis two or three per pairing To present effective arguments in support of the aesthetic perspectives you choose to apply remember examples from class Effective arguments are coherent well thought out and correspond to the critical objectives of the paper To present historical background material about each of these pieces and relate this to your choices of aesthetic perspectives To make full use of the writing guidelines laid out in the Writing Checklist below Writing Checklist Please adhere to the following 10 pt checklist This will make grading faster so that we can post your grades sooner Each paragraph has a topic sentence and one main idea and contributes to my overall analysis I have a concluding paragraph that gives closure to my thoughts I have checked my paper with a standard spelling and grammar checker and corrected all mechanical errors I have typed my paper in 12 pt New Times Roman font I did not write my paper in the first person use the word I Each time I mentioned an aesthetic perspective I typed it in bold letters While writing in the 1st person can be extraordinarily engaging it sometimes distorts objective critical analysis with subjective information and personal anecdote I have maintained a clear concise writing style by using simple sentence structures Hints o In each sentence use as few words as possible but all the words you need o Read your paper out loud before printing it out Many mistakes can be corrected by taking this simple step I have checked my word count with word processing software and it is at least 1000 words and I have noted it in the upper right hand corner of my paper Do not include your bibliographic information when you calculate your word count I cited my sources properly using MLA or APA style Do not use Wikipedia as one of your sources Here is the bibliographic info for the book linked to your learning object assignment sheet formatted for MLA style Stewart Marilyn D Thinking through Aesthetics Worcester Massachusetts Davis Publications 1997 Print Writing Center In addition to useful links to the standard guidelines for citing sources this is where you can find information about UWM s Writing Center now operating online in real time Bibliography FAQs This is a very useful document Here is another useful site with indications about citing sources easybib Rubric for Required Paper Aesthetics Learning Object At or Below Average At or Above Average Exemplary Performance Earned Points Low Performance 0 points Students only analyzed one pair of images Objectives To analyze TWO PAIRS of images for form and content to use at least five aesthetic perspectives and to compare and contrast the images in each grouping 4 points Students analyzed two pairs of images without comparing and contrasting or used less than four aesthetic perspectives 5 points Students analyzed two pairs of images and compared and contrasted them but only used four aesthetic perspectives in the discussion 6 points Students analyzed two pairs of images and used at least five aesthetic perspectives compared and contrasted images in each grouping To present effective arguments in support of the aesthetic perspectives you chose to apply 0 points Student misunderstood most of the aesthetic perspectives discussed 0 points No historical background information was presented To present historical background material about each piece and relate this to your choices of aesthetic perspectives 4 points Student misunderstood some of the aesthetic perspectives discussed 4 points Student presented historical background about some of the images To follow the guidelines listed in the Writing Checklist 3 points Student followed all but three or less of the guidelines well 4 points Student followed all but two of the guidelines well 5 points Student understood all of the aesthetic perspectives but did not develop arguments sufficiently 5 points Student presented historical background about all of the images but did not relate it to their aesthetic arguments 5 points Student followed all but one of the guidelines well 6 points Student presented well thought out arguments and understood all of the aesthetic perspectives 6 points Student presented historical background about all images and related this information to their aesthetic arguments 6 points Student followed all of the guidelines perfectly Total Score plus 1 free point

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