KIN 464 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Understanding Motivation II Motivation III Content Theories of Motivation Outline of Current Lecture I Content Theories of Motivation II Process Theories of Motivation III Factors that Promote Motivation IV Morale and Performance V Job Satisfaction and Performance Current Lecture VI Understanding Motivation a Comes from the Latin word movere means move b Pertains to what activates human behavior c Originates from physiological and psychological needs d A need i Something that gives a person a feeling of deprivation when it is missing ii If a need is not being met the individual becomes motivated to satisfy the need VII Motivation a Definition the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction b Goal to cause people to put forth their best efforts with enthusiasm and effectiveness in order to achieve and hopefully surpass organizational objectives c Victor Vroom i A manager s basic job is to facilitate highly motivated people to perform at near peak capacity ii For this to happen two conditions need to be met 1 People must have the ability to do the work 2 The work environment must be satisfactory relationships support equipment facilities VIII Content Theories of Motivation a Focus on the needs within individuals that cause them to act in certain ways b Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Consists of five levels of need that must be satisfied ii The thrust of Maslow s theory is that a satisfied need is no longer a motivator iii When a need is satisfied at once other and higher needs emerge and become motivating factors 1 Physiological and Survival Needs a Hunger thirst sleep etc 2 Safety and Security Needs a Safe work environment economic security etc 3 Love social Needs a The need for affiliation and a sense of belonging 4 Ego and Esteem Needs a Being accepted and recognized by others 5 Self actualization a Realizing one s full potential c Herzberg Motivation Maintenance Theory i States that all work related factors can be grouped into one of two categories 1 Motivation factors job satisfiers a Achievement b Recognition c The work itself d Opportunity for growth and advancement 2 Maintenance factors hygiene factors or job dissatisfiers 3 Associated with work environment a Salary b Job security c Working conditions d Supervision e They do not promote motivation but they can prevent it from occurring f d Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y i Identifies two styles of managing based on the manager s view of human nature ii Theory X is an autocratic style 1 People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it if he can 2 Because of this most people must be coerced controlled or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort 3 People prefer to be directed 4 People avoid responsibility 5 People have relatively little ambition 6 Above all people want security iii Theory Y is a positive participative style 1 Work is a source of satisfaction 2 Punishment is only one way to induce people to work and is not usually the best way 3 People who are committed will be self motivated and selfdirected 4 A person s commitment to objectives depends on the rewards he or she expects to receive when goals are achieved 5 Under the right conditions people will both accept and seek responsibility 6 The abilities to think creatively to innovate and to solve problems is widely not narrowly distributed among people 7 The intellectual abilities of most people are underutilized e The Hawthorne Studies Represent the beginning of the Human Relations Movement in management i Significance employees performance was affected by something other than working conditions primarily by social and psychological factors introduced into the work place ii Employee performance was affected most by interpersonal relationships developed on the job not the physical working conditions or pay f McClelland s Acquired Needs Theory i Needs are acquired over time and shaped by one s life experiences ii Most of these needs can be classed as either 1 Achievement a The need to excel and thus tend to avoid both low risk and high risk situations b Achievers need regular feedback in order to monitor the progress of the achievements 2 Affiliation a Those with a high need for affiliation need harmonious relationships with other people and need to be accepted by other people b They tend to conform to the norms of their work group c They need work that provides significant personal interaction d Managers should provide them with a group cooperative environment 3 Power two types a Personal power want to direct others and this is often perceived as undesirable b Institutional social power want to organize the efforts of others to further the goals of the organization i Managers should provide power seekers with the opportunity to manage others IX Content Theories of Motivation a Process Theories i Concentrate on rewards that individuals will possibly receive if they behave or work in a certain way ii Punishment Reward is the most widely used theory provides reward for good performance or behavior and punishment for bad iii Traditional Theory the Scientific Management Approach based on money s being a motivating factor when directly related to individual employee performance Differential Piece Rate Incentive b B F Skinner s Reinforcement Theory i The consequences of past action influence future actions ii States that behavior which leads to a positive consequence reward tends to be repeated c Victor Vroom s Preference Expectancy Theory i Suggests that employee motivation relates to preference and expectancy on the job 1 Preference is what a person wishes to have happen on the job 2 Expectancy is the subjective probability of what will happen if certain behavior patterns are followed 3 Based on their perception of the situation people make rational choices 4 e g a person thinks working hard and long hours will be rewarded with a significant pay increase then he or she will be motivated to do this ii Vroom concluded three relationships enhance motivated behavior 1 A positive relationship between effort and performance 2 A positive relationship between good performance and rewards 3 The delivery or achievement of valued outcomes as rewards d John Stacey Adam s Equity Theory i This concerns fairness among
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