JAMS 214 1st Edition Lecture 8 Youth marketing gendering early ad for a car different genders for children s toys o toy stores now a days pink side dolls kitchen sets vacuums toys that foster working together adorn yourself or around you red blue side race cars boys toys are more competitive weapons action figures o there are clear distinctions between boys toys and girls toys o boys themes lego ninjango o girls themes my little pony gendered lego advertising remixer www genderremixer com lego o shows how we encourage kids to play comparing boys to girls toys and socialization o easy bake oven girl commercial o toys and kid marketing are powerful socialization agents teach children about gender roles top chef shows and industries always show men as head chefs in kitchens Hasbo then comes out with a male neutral colors for an easy bake oven in response to a little girl who petitioned to get different colors so she could buy her one for her brother Gender and sex terminology o Sex biological concept Male and female o Gender cultural construct Masculine and feminine o Germany recognized a third gender for intersex children o Social consequences for the people who don t follow the cultural norms and gender norms and we further implement the gender norms and sexualization o Video on boy wanting to be a princess for Halloween and female wanting to be superman These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute How did the parents react Everyone said no tried to persuade the child to do something else One female said go for it be a spider man because she just wants to be her own thing and the more she realizes and is okay with it them other people will respect her Afterwards discussion in class over boy and girl sexualization and how its ever perpetuated in the way our toys and costumes are put out Kids are gendered and told what to like and its hard for us to tell what s nature and nurture We are put into binaries in the way we exist and what to play with and how to play How do we advertise gender in adulthood Marketing to women o Women have increasing earning power o Women make 85 of all consumer purchases 80 healthcare decisions 90 billion a year on consumer electronics 65 of car buying say o Motherhood correlated with more brand loyalty o Increasing acknowledgement of women sports fans Women account for 50 of viewing audience and boy 46 of sports memorabilia 91 of women say advertisers don t understand them ads as social communication o ads don t just sell things Gradually and collectively they inform our worldview gender and power objectification not only do men objectify women but women start to objectify themselves body image social value and self worth contributes to the way view ourselves guys go to the gym to get bigger girls go to get smaller representing power o Erving Goffman Gender Advertising o Power symbolized through subtle cues Size positioning body language Amplified and stylized and often distorts reality o Relative size Men depicted as physically bigger or more massive than women Ex Abercrombie and Fitch ad o Feminine touch Lightly touching something others self object instead of grabbing it Implies delicacy o Function ranking Men usually occupy the more commanding role position regardless of purpose of ad work family leisure Ex Men is doctor woman is patient o Ritualization of subordination Submissiveness communicated through body language dress and behavior Ex Gucci ads o Common tropes 1 Prostration body lowered lounged or slouched o availability o vulnerability 2 Knee bends implies trust off guard deference heads that are straight forward looking into the camera are more direct and are considered powerful 3 Head cant head tilt submissiveness less threatening 4 Childish poses dependency children sexy ex American apparel ads 5 Licensed withdrawal gazing lost in thought disconnected from environment lack of eye contact what if men posed like this
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