JAMS 214 1st Edition Lecture 6 Alcohol states have regulatory restrictions so that minors cant drink self regulation primary means of alcohol regulation o voluntary o media outlets also have voluntary restrictions o any particular station can say no were not going to view that spirits industry decide to advertising on TV radio print in 1996 2 billion year on these ads o cant put the alcohol content in advertising Permits fragmentation to reach minority consumers o Ex Malt liquor marketing in communities of color Alcohol and hip hop o 800 most popular songs from 2005 2007 25 mention specific brand name of alcohol St Ides Malt Liquor Ice Cube Get your girl in the mood quicker get your jimmy thicker with St Ides Malt Liquor o So a lot of high profile artists are asked to create songs about products Advocated against marketing to those under 25 but no consequence for violation o 200 2009 a 70 increase in marketing to people under 25 self regulations Social media o Instagram like promotions o Scan able label GR codes o Smirnoff cab service These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Online drink recipes o Newcastle Pay to Follow o Tweet A Beer Push for responsibility marketing o Budweiser dog ad Heineken light commercial with Neil Patrick Harris o No laws limit alcohol consumption o The regulations are only against excessively drinking or promoting an over excessive drinking industry o The rules are voluntary and done by each network as guidelines Pharmaceutical advertising Early patent medicines media industry regulates o Edward Bok of Ladies Home Journal refused patent medicine ads that were unsafe misleading Food and drugs act of 1906 o Patent medicine was main target Forced to accurately label contents Often included narcotics like cocaine heroin opium And it was totally legal as long as it was put in the ingredient list until 1937 OTC medications o strep throat medication no pre testing available over the counter 107 killed mainly children o led to federal food drug and cosmetics act 1938 mandated pre testing start of prescription meds 1950 s o 1962 FDA granted oversight on prescription medicine marketing so most of this advertisement was geared towards doctors rules advertised drugs must be safe and effective ads must not be false or misleading ads must present a fair balance of risks benefits ads must contain facts about advertised uses promotional material must include a brief summary all info from labeling to side effects prescription drug advertising o 1930 s 1980 s marketed exclusively to doctors logic only people who can prescribe them drug makers chose not to advertise to consumers o 1985 FTW approves Direct To Consumer DTC ads promoting prescription drugs directly to consumers DTC o Publicize drug so that patients will ask doctors 3 kinds of DTC ads o health seeking ads about a condition does not mention branded drug o reminder contains name of branded drug but no claims about product condition o brand contains brand name And product specific info about the drug 1999 FDA regulations o brief summary no longer required for TV ads replaced with major statement contains drug s major risks AND adequate Provision info on where to find full brief summary basically if you want to have an ad that that is of the ad and the product it treats you have to put in the info about the risks and tell where the consumer can get more information Print ads must include brief summary o Simultaneous approval submission airing ads Ad industry reaction o Agencies create healthcare divisions o Huge rise in pharmaceutical spending in result of this advertising Intended effects o Consumers learn about healthcare choices o Develops trust in messages and medications o Increases awareness of medical conditions Unintended effects o Increased compliance with treatment o Incomplete product information 35 had inadequate side effect info o media costs often higher than development costs o unnecessary prescriptions o challenge to physician s authors yet DTC advertising still only accounts for a sliver of the pharma industry s marketing budgets o 2008 14 4 66 billion remaining 86 target doctors events premiums sales literature etc ex Documentary Big Bucks Big Pharma Vioxx Arthritis o 1999 Approved by FDA o 2003 Global sales of 2 5 billion Ad budgets 100 million per year o 2004 taken off the market lined to heart attacks and strokes 2000 first major study identifying link Off label Uses o Use of medical products for off label uses Usually cosmetic Huge market 10 5 million in 2010 o No FDA approval necessary Not tested for alternative uses and alternative population o Ex Sarafem and Prozac Rebranding o Slightly tweak drug o Apply it to a new group of symptoms Result extends patent o Issue do we want companies trying to figure out how to extend patents or find new cures Ex Paula Deen and Novo Nordisk a cholesterol drug o 6 million dollar deal tobacco alcohol pharmaceutical industries o varying levels of regulatory success little public understand about regulation
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